its hilarious because im pretty sure he sought out my posts to find something to insult me about after i called out his petty judgmental attitude towards the cleanliness level in a house in the background of a fucking cat video.
its hilarious because im pretty sure he sought out my posts to find something to insult me about after i called out his petty judgmental attitude towards the cleanliness level in a house in the background of a fucking cat video.
no, been here for years haha.
those are just examples based on this specific situation, youre right about the dichotomy but the guy called me a hypocrite for calling someone lazy because i dont use the proper grammar.
im calling him lazy because of his serious lack of content or humor; grammar and punctuation be damned. punctuation is a formality and i really dont think it's necessary, it also doesnt require much effort to do it, i just choose not to, its not based out of laziness. you are perfectly capable of understanding the…
i dont capitalize words or use apostrophes, i think people usually understand what i am saying. also accusing me of busting out the thesaurus so i could use "assuage" is pretty hilarious. but maybe it is a hard word. i dunno. im not a prescriptive grammarian like i said so i dont really give a fuck how people…
obscure words? lol
i didnt even notice her, its like a supernova next to her with kelly's bombastic smile.
I'm usually having a panic attack at this time on Sunday. do something with yourself!
you can't edit comments after a certain amount of time. and for reasons I hope are obvious the articles deserve more scrutiny anyway.
i need a prescriptive grammarian like I need a roach crawling into my ear.
also: sarcasm is fucking lazy. if you're going to try assuage your bruised ego by pointing out a typing error from 3 hours ago, at least do something entertaining you annoying twig.
your temperament isn't.
yes. althogh some of it still makes a degree of sense regardless of those assholes or their methods
ugh I cant
actually after reading this whole thing I'm gonna remove my orig post.
also Doug are like the Sunday guy? I just realized there are like no posts by anyone else lol.
take a video of your living space right now, I bet it's not immaculate either
anything with Ryan gosling is too soon, from now until the end of time.