the word deep occurs 4 times in this article. i contributed something valuable, here.
the word deep occurs 4 times in this article. i contributed something valuable, here.
just a few more decades and we are gonna be like jo-burg or rio: with the mega rich living with high walls and armed guards as the favela-esque slums creep closer to the razor wire covered fortresses of opulence. this is the ultimate destiny for our income inequality.
exactly and I already posted this but
I admire your efforts but don't bother anymore, this guy isn't a troll but his limited intelligence is preventing him from seeing that societal mores can color research and produce evidence that is really just a reflection thereof. just the way he phrases arguments makes me pretty sure he's just stupid.
thats about the only punk thing that happened at that gala
clap clap clap!
because being trans isnt a disease thats the whole fucking point
hahahaha get out
"I see this as a super feminist issue. Being sexualized and labeled as disordered because of the medical care I need as a woman resonates strongly for me with the idea ofhysteria, a diagnosis that sexualized women and saw them as disordered because of their gendered bodies. Yeah, the trans community is still stuck…
the guy who wrote the sexual paraphilia section is a known anti-trans crackpot with bogus research. they got rid of gender identity disorder but he added new "fetishes" that pathologize mtf women who aren't exclusively attracted to men and any form of crossdressing.
the guy probably grabbed one of his wife's bad ones and clipped the holster onto it. also seriously how do you draw this weapon
a lot of the stuff you're pointing out doesn't take into account the cultural context, sure it may not be necessary to change them but Christian imagery for example does not have the same status in Japan as it does here. ignoring and dismissing these discrepancies is just foolish.
cantI can't stop laughing
I know that as a kid I would have been sad to be with the boys :( I probably wouldn't have said anything though because I knew that my (at that time vague and not comprehendable) feelings of transness were something to hide.
after living in Seoul I can tell you their gaming culture is a lot different from ours, enough so this isnt a completely terrible idea lol
to quote Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy: nearly two thousand years after one man had been nailed to a tree for saying how great it would be to be nice to people for a change....
this is totally unrelated but why do we refer to what were once STD's as STI's? is STD stigmatized? (yes) but won't STI also become stigmatized in the same way? is there a practical difference? Is there a reason why you shouldnt say STD? (ie STI is more sensitive too people who have contracted them?) they both seem…