Nova Terezi


her wife might be bi, or might be willing to go along out of love, or might just not consider genitals or even a body that important to her.

this is already a month old shut the fuck up and go away idiot

oh you bombed your set and then sought out sexual validation from a man how thrilling. everything about this piece made me feel gross, and not just the parts that were intended to.

i said its shitty and does horrible things to its women many of whom have the religion forced on them since birth in societies where there is no other choice. All these things are perfectly true. if that makes me a bigot in your eyes than so be it, I dont have to be completely accepting of all behaviors, especially

islam is such a shitty religion that does horrible things to women (aka half its own people) i dont really give two fucks if their baby feelings get a booboo because a sign indirectly called them all terrorists, because 1) the sign is funny and 2) islam sucks

these are all fine points especially the last one, but I feel really strongly about this. The oppression is so much visceral to someone who wasnt raised to accept it. I was raised as a white male so its so much more glaring to me whenever I encounter it, and the gaming community has a problem with it.

ok apparently i dont read this site often enough where are all these feminism articles? for one they probably started running that stuff because of pressure to drop their woman hating image, but the fan base wont be cowed by such tactics obviously. two, i have been scrolling downward from the top to for some time now

you call that a penis?

you call that a penis?

i'll copy and paste this reply: i just think stuff like this serves to make female gamers invisible by basically enshrining male genitalia in a huge article that was a front page feature for the site.

i'll copy and paste this reply: i just think stuff like this serves to make female gamers invisible by basically enshrining male genitalia in a huge article that was a front page feature for the site.

i'll copy and paste this reply: i just think stuff like this serves to make female gamers invisible by basically enshrining male genitalia in a huge article that was a front page feature for the site.

you make me sad that you think a giant article about dicks is something worth defending

oh is that a sex joke?

i have encountered many peni in gaming, usually on black ops because people get pretty clever with the icon creator. a whole article about it is dumb and you are dumb for thinking that you need to jump to the defense of such a dumb article.

thanks for your bigotry

i'll copy and paste this reply: i just think stuff like this serves to make female gamers invisible by basically enshrining male genitalia in a huge article that was a front page feature for the site.

i'll copy and paste this reply: i just think stuff like this serves to make female gamers invisible by basically enshrining male genitalia in a 10,000~ word article that was a front page feature for the site.

i just think stuff like this serves to make female gamers invisible by basically enshrining male genitalia in a 10,000~ word article that was a front page feature for the site