
Yeah. I’m a Canadian who was born with a major heart defect and I am doing a Ph.D. at a very good university, and I thank the universe every night that I’m Canadian. If I were American, I would not be able to pay for either my life or my education.

I know, I know....but that’s why I keep reading, not just here, but from all kinds of sources: NPR, Wall Street Journal, Forbes, whatever I can. And still I don’t find anything close to making a decent point. I really try to even go out to generally conservative sources, but I have yet to hear a good argument. The

I’d bet 90% of Trump supporters have no idea about Hillary’s background. I bet most would assume that she was born to some rich crooked business owner and used her daddy’s money to make some shady deals and eventually fund her way into politics.

Trump voters are largely the same people who voted for Republicans in ever other election - He basically got the same votes Romney did - Clinton couldn’t get I-don’t-vote-republican-everytime-voters out in her favor, like Obama was able to do.

What a shock, a conservative who can’t stand when people disagree with him. So you voted for a guy you think will make the whole world your ‘safe space.’

Opinions should based on facts. I, and most other liberals, can and will accept factual arguments. This is just a bunch of brain diarrhea based on a fundamental misunderstanding of reality.

“Barack Obama has a deep seeded hatred for white people.” —-VERY early Glenn Beck on Fox (2008 I believe?)

And 100% guaranteed to totally deny voting for Trump once his approval ratings crater.

Someone described it to me perfectly: This election is about a woman getting punished for not being perfect, and a man getting rewarded for being barely adequate.

Not only that but he’s so full of shit it’s like he’s got dreadlocks but they’re actually made of shit. Shitlocks©.

Current Canadian socialist here: I don’t lose half of my income to taxes. Nowhere near, actually. And I get health care taken care of, fully. And I don’t worry about which public school my kids go to because they’re all, more-or-less, pretty great. And on and on. I’m kind of pumped this guy moved to the States,

Ah, the old “How dare you not tolerate my intolerance!” chestnut.

“I want to call out people on purely racial terms but not be called a racist.”

Translation: “I want my own safe space, dammit.”

Also, this:

Self-awareness is not a strong suit among this crowd.

If you think they’re going to blame their Trump vote when their benefits get cut, you’re more optimistic than I am.

Hahaha, no of course not.

America is essentially a 3 year old child.

The horrors of Canadian socialism? What a jackass. I pay half of my paycheck in the US for shit health care and weaponry.