False-flag operation, natch. Team Sane sends a crazy guy out to do a crazy thing claiming he’s working for Team Crazy, thus making Team Crazy look crazy to those who somehow weren’t clued in by all the crazy in Team Crazy’s brochure.
False-flag operation, natch. Team Sane sends a crazy guy out to do a crazy thing claiming he’s working for Team Crazy, thus making Team Crazy look crazy to those who somehow weren’t clued in by all the crazy in Team Crazy’s brochure.
can you imagine what that’s like? Going online, making friends with all the other conspiracy nuts? Now all of his friends think he’s part of a false flag operation? That’s gotta hurt.
He flew too close to the batshit sun.
i know it’s not an invitation but i love her too and i think we did her wrong.
i’m glad she quit wearing makeup because she knows she never has to give a fuck about our asshole opinions again.
The old guard like Biden and Dean should “retire” to states where flipping the statehouse is a real possibility. Political missionary work.
At least the memes will be positive...
Love ya, Uncle Joe, but you’re 74, and will be 78 in 2020. Time for the torch to pass to a new generation. Find a good candidate and put your moral weight behind him or her.
It brings me great comfort that Alec Baldwin keeps doing this impersonation with the sole purpose of getting under Trump’s skin.
Exactly. I am getting sick of this we all should understand and reach out to these people when they themselves do no such thing. Getting called elitist for calling out bs or being liberal or for living on the coasts or cities. Like, do you think it’s like t.v. with everyone having a great, well-paid job and living…
For all the talk about the liberal “bubble”, that bubble is thin enough to actually see through and even burst. The bubble these people live in is made of cast iron. It’s completely opaque, nothing goes through it, and it’s one of the mosresistant things you’ll find.
And frankly, I’m sick of people blaming Trump’s win on ‘poor disaffected whites’ -- white people of every stripe, educational level and financial status voted for him in droves.
I can never decide if the ones who voted for him because of the bigotry are the bigger assholes or the ones who just couldn’t be bothered to care about bigotry because it didn’t have an immediate impact on their lives are. I’m leaning towards they all deserve to suffer these next 4 years in the same hell they…
“As things trickle down...” that guy should look up where we get that saying from.
This. One thousand times this. Will someone please explain to me how a person whose life depends on Medicare and SSI could possibly think voting for any Republican is a good idea? Let alone a corrupt, lying, unqualified maggot/fascist? I think if I met Bob and heard his life story i might understand and have some…
He also promised he’d profit financially from the presidency so that’s going nicely.
On the one hand, I do feel a smidge of pity for some of these people. On the other, fuck them. I’m a poor white person who needs change too, but I’m also neither a bigot nor a fucking idiot so I’m really over the “poor white people just wanted change!” narrative. It feels patronizing and infantalizing. The only people…
My favourite is the one who somehow thought Trump would solve the wage gap?! Even if you buy into his “I love women. Women are tremendous” bullshit, was I asleep when he acknowledged the wage gap?