
Wasn’t she already pregnant when the first shitstorm broke? That’s a pretty big incentive to try to work it out.

It is super telling about every single one of your privileges that you brush off his dangerous racism, misogyny, ableism, Islamophobia, xenophobia, love for murderous tyrants, and ignorance with a mere “...worse for some people, but calm your little heads”. Seriously? Get stuffed.


All I’m sayin’ yo.

My opinion of Aniston has greatly increased upon learning, just now, that her husband is BFF with Amy Sedaris.

I don’t know though....what if it turns out that she’s so frequently left out by Trump because she thinks he’s a blowhard jackass, but she puts in a bit of time when necessary, so he’ll finance her university studies?

Burn that crap down, Tiffy. Burn it all.

The reason that other countries can have multi party systems is because they have parliamentary systems which allow coalition governing or ranked voting. In order for this country to have a viable multi party system would would have to change our entire system, particularly at the presidential level which requires

That last question is obvious. We haven’t had three or more parties because of the way our elections work.

So you think 99% of the polls from the last few months are just wrong? Or that he’ll win even though he can’t even get the backing of most of his own party? Romney and McCain couldn’t win, and they had a united GOP.

I believe you should want a viable third party because in its absence, both parties have drifted unchecked to the right. The fight during elections is always for voters in “the middle”, which leaves the more progressive liberals having to compromise way too much or cast a protest vote while feeling guilty about the

I would say the biggest advantage to multiple parties over two is that it allows for nuance. Rather than having two positions on an issue, which tend to get extremely polarized, you can have 3 or more positions on the same issue, all on various points of the political axes. This can result in a more accurate

If actual evidence can’t reassure you, what do you expect Internet randos to be able to do?

I am skinny. I still have a stomach that sticks out a little, and it bugs me. Most women store a little fat somewhere on their body, and sometimes we feel bad about it.

Meh, I do this but my body keeps disproportionate fat on my stomach. I don’t really like to keep my body fat as low as required that I’m happy with my stomach, as it makes me unhappy with the way I feel and with the rest of me. It’s annoying.

Have you seen the Trump children. Except for Ivanka, bless her heart, they’re all a bunch of mouth-breathing, vacant-eyed class bullies. Never a recipe for success...

Nah, because I figure by the time the election is over and she goes back to “normal,” I’ll stop having reason to root for her.

I’m thinking she’s spent so much time there she’s having an allergic reaction to it. It’s making her break out in Teh Libruls