
I always like how Trump threatens to bring up Bill Clinton’s affairs in the next debate, or shove in Hillary’s face somehow, as if he doesn’t have the exact same skeletons in his closet.

I’m a Bernie supporter who no way in fucking hell would ever vote libertarian.

Except everyone can name a foreign leader trump admires.

That’s what makes him smart.

As an American I have to tell you that we’re just as baffled as you. The only people who can tell you why mass shootings are those that would commit a mass shooting or have commited ones. In general they don’t expose their plans before the shooting and not a lot of the killers are taken alive.

So a man who actually shot children was arrested and taken into custody without being killed by police? I’m going to ahead and presume that the shooter was white until I hear something definitive.

Down ticket politicians who are pro gun control. Every 2 years, not just every 4 and in every level of government.

So let’s ruminate over the fact that, if we had just gotten our shit together, if the country was even marginally less racist and sexist and if the climate of American politics was even slightly less idiotic, we might have gotten a President Michelle Obama.

“Even as Mr. Trump’s advisers publicly backed him on Tuesday and praised his debate performance, they were privately awash in second-guessing about why he stopped attacking Mrs. Clinton on trade and character issues and instead grew erratic, impatient and subdued as the night went on.”

To me, things like this aren’t about the undecideds so much as the reluctant decideds. I think there are a lot of “decided” voters who are voting Trump because they’re Republicans and feel like they have to. This is one election where some well worded editorials and pleas from people they respect may actually get

Actually, I think this is one of the absolute best ways to reach undecided voters.

I quit right around the time it became a “community” and the alt-right took it up as a cause célèbre. Something like that becoming a political issue was enough for me to finally quit all forms of nicotine.

I don’t have more annoyance for them than other smokers except they think the rules of smoking don’t apply to them. I’ve had friends and family that will use their vape pen in my house without asking “what it’s just vapor” when a cigarette smoker would never ever consider doing that. They do it everywhere and think

Not a joke. It’s nasty. It’s not worse than smoke but in my experience smokers tend to generally stay away from others while smoking due to ordinances and public shaming whereas vapers do not

No, they are actually good friends and Howard apologized to her and she praised him for his support of gay marriage/adoption.

Personally, I simply want to reduce the vaping community down to the size where I can drag it into the bathroom and drown it.

It’s crazy that he gets away with making fun of Rosie O’Donnell for being fat when she’s no more overweight than he is.

Put his coke dealer in the front row. That would be far more distracting.

I don’t know, but it’s gotta be right up there with aggressive chicken dancing in entertainment value.

Read & loved this in the New Yorker recently