
Yeah, the “revered” part makes me think it’s someone older, and Eastwood absolutely fits that description.

Clint Eastwood.

This, maybe?

This just proves the point that gun control won’t stop people from finding ways to perpetrate a mass killin...wait, no one died except the suspect? Ok, move along, nothing to see here.

seven of those stabbed have already been treated and released from area hospitals. One remains hospitalized, though none of the injuries were deemed life-threatening.

Trump himself tweets from an Android, his staff tweets from an iPhone. Tweets that are just text are him; tweets that contain links or media come from his staff. Someone did a whole analysis of this:…

That’s literally all anyone who goes to a Planned Parenthood ever does.

One of my ‘favorite’ things about Trump is his bizarre insistence that, despite being a public figure, people who haven’t met him personally have no basis to form an opinion. He said something similar about Mr. Khan.

He tweets the way he talks. It has to be him doing it, right?

You clearly did not watch CNN, CNBC or any other cable network (besides Fox) after this announcement or hear their coverage (trust me, it was not fawning). You also clearly have not read many articles about the event (also not fawning). You also didn’t realize that the press pool that followed Trump on a tour through

You seriously think the media shouldn’t cover the Republican nominee when he makes statements to the media? Stop blaming the media for Trump’s bullshit. It’s not their fault he was nominated.

As an American, I can’t believe you have any sympathy for us at all.

As a foreigner, if (you?) people elect this man that will be the end of any sympathy I have for America as a functioning nation.

Don’t forget Death Comes to Pemberly:

I don’t want to totally ruin things for you, but she’s a native speaker of Italian. I’m not, so I couldn’t tell you if she’s hamming it up, but odds are her accent is more correct that any of the Jersey Shore-style bullshit.

As long as it explains about Victoria becoming a werewolf.

This guy has some good Yelp reviews. Well done Anthony W. from Seattle.

Nobody is going to bulldoze a home that you own. This isn’t the railroads buying people out of their land back in whenever they did that shit. It’s a developer planning to buy houses for sale and getting told no because zoning laws and NIMBYs don’t want apartments there.

Hey everyone who immediately assumes that “more density” = “moral imperative to make everybody live in places as dense as my personal nightmare interpretation of the shittiest and densest block in Manhattan”:

I agree, NYC is a hell hole. BUT you can transplant some of the ideas of a dense city into the suburbs and make them more livable, walk-able, and what ever else. There’s a happy medium here, but for what ever reason people fail to see it.