
The sad thing is is I think most people with a functioning brain and who follows this coverage even sporadically realizes this, and it is so fucking annoying.

It’s hard for me to feel bad for him having PTSD from an event that he perpetrated.

Feel free to dismiss the rape apologist if you’d like!

It’s an interesting position to be in, but I think it’s easier to be someone less naturally gifted but with a work ethic than vice versa - the people I know who were smart but unfocused have suffered a lot more in life and are generally less happy.

Im loving all the humble brags happening on this post.

Elon Musk is actually my favorite billionaire- the projects and industries he is in are very forward thinking- he wants to get us off fossil fuels, he seeks to push space exploration.... He could’ve retired and just become an angel investor after PayPal, but he decided to throw all of his fortune into trying to

It’s not that easy. Some of these women now complaining about sexual harassment are the same ones denying the importance of speaking and working against campus rape, abortion rights, even sexual harassment in the workplace. These women are victims but some of them also pushed misogyny in their day jobs. Can’t help but

How awful do you have to be for other men in the 1960s to think you were awful?

My Southern is showing, I love a name with a hint of redneck. All three are pretty fabulous names to me!

I have a three year old and you bet your ass I am teaching her how to handle conflicts. Kids mimic their parents and we are setting examples for them as soon as they pop out, whether we want them to or not. This is a very clear message sent to this girl asking strangers for money and parading her on television. This

Sure, but it just happened. It just seems weird that they’re already like “welp—gofundme a new school for my kid” over shoes.

Private schools actually have lower standards for teachers than private schools. No teacher training required just a college degree

Or even a different classroom at the same school? If I were Taraji’s parent, that would be what I’d ask for.

I think it’s a bad habit amongst teachers to assume that a child who gave another teacher trouble is going to give you trouble. I’ve had kids in my classes who I’ve hated (and the feeling was mutual) who have absolutely no issue with the teacher next door (and vice versa).


I get that fidgeting can be a problem. My son was an extreme fidgeter at that age. His folders all looked like they had been chewed by hamsters. He would unravel the hems of his shorts and even unravel his socks.

The parents have started a GoFundMe page to send Taraji to private school...

I mean, that's kind of why helicopter parents are a thing, when you stop and think about it.

That NYT article is great. It is amazing what parents obsess about.