
It has ruined my morning to discover Elon finds someone’s adoration of Ayn to be “hawt”.

So she is a Cool Girl?

Counterpoint: the Elon story is A++++++!!!

Frances Bean Cobain’s ex-husband

Some may also suffer from a severe sun allergy that prevents exposure to the sun.

it’s fine for the Duggars, though, right?

And if a woman is wearing a t-shirt and pants on the beach, will she be forced to change into a bikini? This is complete fucking garbage. And the ‘burkini’ isn’t religious wear. It’s just an article of clothing women can wear if they don’t want to wear a revealing bathing suit. I’ve seen plenty of women who aren’t

This is so ridiculous. How can they not see how absurd this is for police to demand women remove their clothing in public when they pose no threat and are causing no problems?

This is a prime example of Trump’s strategy. In order to “make America great again” (or, as he’s trying to persuade minorities, make America great for them for the first time), he needs everyone to think their lives and this country are blazing dumpster fires.

His face is glorious.

It’s more than that - it’s also about making sure dairy farmers don’t go under because the price of their product dropping.

I used to work at a day shelter for homeless people. Gov’t commodity delivery days were the best..mostly powdered milk, canned fruits/veggies, canned tuna, etc.. But it was food we could use to cook 3 meals a day AND stock our meager food pantry, without having to buy it at the foodbank.
But the few times we got

Funny, the government cut food stamp spending to save $ but is now spending $ to buy food for food banks, which people who had their food stamps cut are using.

As a single mom who was once so broke I had to borrow the babysitter’s government cheese I can attest a lot of it is pretty good cheese.

... so I’m meant to admire what, exactly? Her resignation? Her passivity? Her now desperate casting-about for other romantic options?

I will gladly take him, since you don’t want him.


Well in that case, I hate her stupid non-period-accurate hair and too much makeup. ;)

I dated a completely inappropriate man simply because he looked like Aidan Turner as Mitchell in “Being Human.”