
She does use a specific kind of bland sexuality though. Like she’s the only person I’ve ever seen make garters look like a normal, completely unsexy garment. I get the sense that she’d like to sex up her image but cannot pull it off.

My theory is she got really lean and toned and the boobs kind of disappeared so she felt the need to get new ones.

This Twiddles bullshit is all to take the heat off Taylor’s boob job.

Yes, but it’s fairly clear that Broaddrick’s saying HRC was intimidating her in 1978 - implying a decades-long defensive strategy to bolster a potential run at office. That seems kind of far-fetched.

One assumes when Hillary Clinton says that sexual assault victims have a right to be believed, she means by the authorities etc. when they report. Because a lot of women have a hellish time with the police and whatnot placing the burden of proof on sexual assault victims and re-victimizing them. And I also agree with

It’s puzzling that so many people are angrier at Hillary than at the man actually accused of rape. And that includes the alleged victim.

I’m skeptical because she seems angrier at Hillary than at the man who allegedly raped her and that shit doesn’t sit well with me. I’m skeptical because she has contradicted herself so many times, and seems to only come out of the woodwork when Hillary is running for something. I’m skeptical because she doesn’t seem

There are multiple accounts of people claiming behavior that was not entirely consensual.

I just don’t know what else her motivation could be, if not to advance her career. She certainly does not seem like a submissive apologist who believes her husband can do no wrong.

This is a huge issue for me with regards to HRC, but I wonder if she convinced herself that these women were all willing? Not excusing HRC at all— but I suspect that she thought her husband was a philanderer, not a rapist, and that made it easy to blame the women and move on.

All I know is I will NOT be voting for Bill Clinton this November.

I don’t know if Bill Clinton raped her or not, but I do find it odd that she seems to focus so much on ruining Hillary’s career over the issue. Her evidence that Hillary even would have known about the incident is shaky at best - Hillary shook her hand and said thank you, in what was perceived to be a menacing tone?

It’s so true. I’ve passed by some really talented street performers because I Just Can’t Right Now !

As someone who has to psych myself up to send in a job application, I’m honestly kind of jealous reading this.

Water, but with bubbles. Have you thought of that?

Agreed. I too am 48 and drink the Safeway/Vons brand (Refreshe) of lightly-flavored seltzer water and I love it. Soda is gross. Grapefruit Refreshe is delicious, as is the Peach-Pear La Croix. Cheers!

You went on the record on the right side of history, early and unequivocally.

Is there a higher power that has to approve all her emails to make sure they’re “on brand”? I want to imagine she’s a Harvard grad that actually has impeccable speech patterns but is being forced to change it. Maybe there’s an app. She writes a perfect email and then plugs it into the This Is What Feminism is Right,

“Bonjour, bleedypuss!”

I haven’t had a period in 6 years due to my Mirena, and I now I kind of want to have one to try them out.