
“Gigantic clocks: Why no room is complete without one.”

I used to love Fixer Upper but I feel like I keep watching the same episode over and over again. Chip acts like a frat bro douche, Joanna fakes being amused then Joanna works her rustic, faux French chic wonders with a ton of shiplap in some house in Waco; wash rinse and repeat. I’m even starting to recognize the

What you’ve got is a chicken-egg thing. He can’t do anything to satisify her, she continues to be a uuuugh bitch, he stops trying, she nags even more.

I know we all think that decision is the shittiest thing ever, but I know a family friend who is paying child support for six children (kept trying until they had a girl ... and no love for one another). The non-custodial parent is living in a dump and working a second job on nights and weekends to keep up with

Ding Ding! Now we know Jon’s REAL source of income.

i agree. but part of it is that she is a type A perfectionist.

nah they would have 100% divorced even if they never went on the show

Thanks for saying this. There should be no shame in employment. A job is a job.

I worked at a TGIF for four years. There is some actual grilling and sauteing going on. Lots of deep frying. Some microwaving. And a lot of weed dealing.

at least he’s working i guess.

Pssst...he’s lying. He’s broke. Kate has some money, probably from TLC and the other reality shows she did. Plus, she’s clearly the responsbile type and has probably invested her money. I’m surprised that Jon hasn’t sued her for alimony.

I know a lot of people look down on these types of jobs, but to this day, my favorite job was working in a Pizza shop. I loved the physical labor, making food, cleaning dishes, and seeing the results of your work right there, every day.

“He’s done a great job the last couple of months. He’s part of my Friday’s family”

Having not followed their show and the fallout from their relationship...why would he be donating his checks to charity? Does he not have to make a living? Does he not have to pay child support? I was under the impression that after TLC, they both had major money difficulties.

Next week McCracken and Code Pink will be in Philadelphia to protest the Democratic National Convention. “We don’t like Trump or Hillary, we think they’re both war hawks.”

We’re getting ahead of ourselves, I’d just like most airports to offer reliable wifi and not that boingo bullshit that never works and is overpriced

There already are movie theaters in airports. They’re called tablets (or ipads if you’re a rube).

Movie theater? Absolutely not.

i have a better idea - they should build aquariums attached to airports. you can enter and leave whenever you want to, and it ensures that there is always foot traffic there

Hell, go ahead and make an identical joke. It’s not “cribbing” if you’re using “common words”!