
Exactly. She doesn’t agree with him and he can’t call her “ugly”. So of course, he labels her “crazy”. What a psycho.

One of my biggest accomplishments in life is (mostly) swaying my mom away from FOX news and getting her to watch Rachel Maddow.

I think there is something weird and psychosexual in his inability to take criticism from her. He cannot abide her not liking him - her dissent. At first, it seemed like the usual politician versus pesky reporter war, but it’s not. There’s something about her being female that he cannot stand.

Fox News standing up for Megyn Kelly now is like three months late. I wonder if they feel they can be belligerent because Trump had another debate canceled and those are big money makers for the networks.…“I love the poorly educated” Trumpton said in Nevada. He either treats his supporters as idiots or attack dogs. In his mind his a Roman Emperor only with even shitter self control. I can totally see him hovering over the big red nuclear button (in my mind there is a big nuclear button

And their misery started when Bush was president! Why nobody remembers that?

I think a stand out moment was when that house rep yelled “You lie!” at Obama during the State of the Union address.

The idea that a lone black man is responsible for their misery, and not the countless white guys they elect, is a continuation of their racist beliefs. They believe that Obama has supernatural demonic powers. It's so sad that some people are so invested in hate but fuck em.

Well, 8 years ago, a racist reaction to Obama’s election brought about the Tea Party, and this is a direct continuation of that. The Republican Party in its naivety though it could absorb the Tea Party, in the same way the Democrats thought they would absorb the Occupy Wall Street movement. Both were wrong, and now

I just bought a bunch of underwear from Aerie but I sent it to my old address and now some strange man has my panties. My old landlord gave me his contact info but he isn’t responding :’(

Forgive me for the overwhelming vagueness of this reference, but I remember seeing something on TV maybe 5 years ago about this initiative to educate* girls in remote comunities in Africa.**

A Trump supporter with the comical lack of self-awareness to accuse others of bigotry? Sounds about right.

I have often said, when the time comes for my pets and others’ to leave us, that the only consolation is that life gets so much easier. It doesn’t make us miss them less, or have loved them less. I understand the relief. They enrich our lives while they’re with us, and they free us when they leave us. It’s possible to

To be fair, there has never been a time when Obama was in his last year of his second term that he nominated anyone to the SCOTUS.

Even NPR let this shit slide this morning without bringing up Anthony Kennedy, or even asking how often the situation had come up before. It was ridiculous.

Didn’t John Dickerson try to fact check during the debate and he got boo’ed by the audience and the candidates were like “lalalalalala” with their fingers in their ears?

Here’s the thing, journalists could actually do their damn job and fact check republicans when they make claims that there is no precedent that a president in his last year in office gets to nominate a supreme court candidate, instead of asking the question like it’s a legitimate idea. I am sick and tired of

This is beyond stupid. Can you imagine what republicans would say if democrats threw a fit that a republican president with almost A YEAR left in office dared to nominate someone? They are whining because they know this process makes them look bad and reminds everyone who might not be super feeling either Hillary or

Dear GOP,