
Good for them. Not everybody will agree, obviously, but you have the platform so go ahead and use it.

Sent to jail for abandoning her kids? That's rewarding candy theft with ice cream.

That whole "you will not get up until you eat this" thing seems really bizarre to me. I can understand telling kids "if you don't eat this, that's it, this is dinner", but forcing food down anyone's throat seems cruel to me. The kid isn't going to suffer long term health consequences if they go through a stage where

Oh, so that's the real reason for Jezebel's hate-on for Jamie Oliver. He thinks obesity is bad for your health, and that kind of evidence-based fact just doesn't fly around these parts...

I read Emma Golddigger as saying that we need to find other ways to suggest that having sex too young is a bad idea without shaming other women. That is, be specific about the the effects of random premature sex (so sex done to please others, sex because everyone is doing it, etc) without saying "you shouldn't do it

and speaking of his friends - thank goodness for the one who taped the confession.

Or moaning in pain because she was incoherent and barely conscious.

Something no one else is mentioning is that he technically created and distributed child pornography. I am beyond convinced that if he had brought a joint to school, he would have gotten suspended. At my high school, you could get suspended for bring asprin to school, I shit you not. So technically, I am pretty sure

You know how usually the double standard regarding male vs. female promiscuity just seems annoying? This is an example of how fucking dangerous it is. Look how they're discrediting the victims. "She has a lot of sex, therefore she's an untrustworthy whore trying to damage the reputation of this guy who also has a lot

I don't know how the heck they're able to afford 31 cats, but it sure isn't as graphic designers.

I'm are they going to pretend to play soccer onstage?

Sure, part of the time is devoted to kid wrangling, but are a few things I'd like you to consider. Your low maintenance look is natural and cool now. In a few years it will be considered sloppy. People will let you know, in ways that are subtle and sometimes direct.

My daughter wore a lot of knit dresses and leggings when she was little. It was super comfy for play, probably even more comfortable than jeans and a T-shirt would've been.

I'm so over shaming woman into breastfeeding. I know "breast is best" but from first hand experience, some woman have difficulty breast feeding. I had my son in a hippie city and I was petrified to use formula in public. Keep in mind I would breast feed my son for 30 minutes and then hook myself up to the breast pump

Slow wifi may not be very rock and roll but you know what is-emojis.

You know, us gals with smaller boobs also have bra fitting problems :( My boobs are not big enough to pop out of any bra, but I just can't tell what fuckin size they are, so thank you for the resources. They are not tiny at all, they are full and perky (90cm/36inches measured at the fullest part), but quite wide

LOLZ! This is a real thing?! I've been thinking I was a fucking genius bc years ago I discovered poop just slides out if it's own accord if I have my feet up on a specific textbook (music text called "Tonal Harmony"), and my husband thought I was full of shit (har!) until he tried him himself. Now if we want privacy,

It's stunning how quickly people were so willing to jump on his "vengeful bitch" narrative. She might be, but not because he said it. Gotta say, if I used my money and my brains to get my asshole husband elected, I'd be furious that he threw it all away for a honey pot.

I'm guessing girlfriend got bored with him and moved on. Real life removes the shine off the forbidden fruit. Now he is blaming his ex wife cause he is just a basic middle aged white man with nothing to offer.

Now playing

I actually just watched a documentary yesterday about a family that has several adult children with underdeveloped cerebellums, 5 of whom actually walk on all fours partially because their balance is so impaired. (They determined that the 5 could be taught to walk with assistance (and did eventually); the balance