
I would be willing to sacrifice a lot to work a 32 hour week. We're staying in our very modest home rather than "moving up" in the hopes that a 32 week will be an option in the near future. I just want to work shorter days so I can pick my child up at school and be there for him. I may have the option cf leaving early

This was my favorite too! I used to watch Solid Gold just hoping they would show that video. (This was before MTV, kids.) My other favorite around that time was Billy Joel's It's Still Rock and Roll to Me.

I would appreciate DIY ideas for those of us that work in fixed desks in cubicles. I can't figure out an adjustable but cheap setup.

Nope, Natty Light drunk in the hot, salty summer is heaven.

My preschooler son is obsessed with garbage collectors and it's made me more knowledgeable and appreciative of their job. It seems kind of fun, actually! But I totally agree with the point you were making.

I have not seen an explanation for what caused the change of heart. It seems gradual, but did they finally really just go "oh, whoops we've been reading this the wrong way"?

I think this might be me too. I hate when I miss something at the beginning which may impact the story later on. Usually it's more like "What did he say??" Thing is, my husband never knows or cares. Why bother to watch something if you don't care about the story?? Annoyment goes both ways, I guess...

Or when the baby kicks your bladder and sends that weird electric charge through you and you get the instant urge to pee. Does the belt provide that too??

I won't say I hate SB, but she has always bugged the ever-living-shit out of me. More annoying than Jennifer Anniston and that's saying something.

YES. Loved all of them.

Ha! Brilliant! I'm going to look for one off those thingies.

This is truly a great and thoughtful present. If your mom says she doesn't want a store-bought gift, she probably really doesn't. My family is like that. My husband made me and my MIL a nice breakfast and my son drew us pictures. Perfect!

You're absolutely right that a few months make a big difference, but this is still impressive for any 2 year old. Nevermind the coordination and skill involved, the fact that she can stay focused and learn a routine that long is remarkable. Have you seen a dance recital for preschoolers? the 2 year olds are usually

Co-signed. He is the most beautiful man I've ever seen.

Decent? Really??

Old people in Charleston still read the P&C. This endorsement may influence some older divorced Republican women that are just looking for an excuse to vote against that POS Sanford.

I'll be voting for ECB too. I'm a realist but 2 things give me hope: she got the P&C endorsement and my Bush-loving female neighbor has an ECB yard sign.