This has to be a joke, right???
This has to be a joke, right???
Yes, thank you. I heard his response and he was genuinely upset that he expressed himself badly.
That orangish red color is my favorite and Marion C.'s dress is divine. My favorite for the night! She truly is perfect looking.
This was a great comment. I'm close to your age and I view her the same way. I wish her speech had been more coherent and straight forward because she made some great points that are lost in the confusion.
Hey, I bought one at Target almost exactly like this one! Same color too. I love it.
My mother-in-law said something similar when I was struggling to BF. She remembered it being so "easy" and they didn't have gadgets and consultants.
I make my hoppin john (collards, black-eyed peas, short grain brown rice) vegan too, even tho I eat meat. It's so good even my meat loving yankee FIL loves it.
I didn't know this either! At least now I have a good reason to think he is a total d-bag. Before it was just a vague feeling.
Hey, thanks for sharing this. I will find this book for sure. I've always had a rumbly gut and last year I started limiting the types of food I eat (honestly just to lose a few pounds) but an unexpected side effect was that my stomach is more "settled" now even when I eat a more normal diet.
My son's classmate in the TWO YEAR OLDS class got his mom's ipad for Xmas because he played with it all the time and she wanted a new one. I was left speechless when she told me this.
I can usually look at someone and say "eh, not my type but I can see why you think he/she is attractive." Not this guy.
Cute!! I never had those but would love them for my 3 year old who loves the Boynton books.
I had these and I would love another set now.
Me too! I'd like to reread The Great Gatsby to see if I like it better as an adult. I appreciate William Faulkner but reading him is painful.
Me too faflaflohi
Please stop with this lame analogy over and over. It's not working!
Super tasters— I was going to post this exact thing! It's the only explanation for why it tastes like pure poison to me but others can't detect a difference.
Wow. Does that discourage people from getting divorced? Or married in the first place?
This a million times over. This was my same situation and the guilt nearly killed me.
This is so true. Also, it explains why some of us go to so incredible lengths to breastfeed, well beyond the point of rational explanation. I look back on it and wonder WHY did I do it for so long when it was so awful?