
And flashbangs and grenades...since Cod4...

Why do you care about trophy syncing if you don't care whether or not people check your trophies? Whever it comes up just hit circle and it'll go away leaving you to check your trophies.

I had the most trouble with some of those stunts. Some were damn near impossible.

You can turn off the trophy notifications on the PS3. Problem solved.

MW2 is only up there because there was a really easy hack that came out that unlocked every trophy. If you have a bunch of friends that have that platted check their earn dates/times for those trophies and your likely to see that they're all the same.

Really hope we have Assassins and Templars on all sides. I really liked that how in AC I there were Templars in the Crusaders and Saladin's forces. It really sold the idea of how the Assassins and Templars were "above" any nationalities.

The Arabic besides Julian's name transliterates to "Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad" which translates to "Altaïr son of no one."

If a T-rex would show up at a mammal convention, I think we can all agree that those mammals would be fucked.

I just used the typhoon on the previous boss, and I'm playing on Hard.

Pretty sure it goes: "Prince Ali, fabulous he, Ali Ababwa."

I got the game a couple of months back and I'm still stuck at at the Namir boss fight. He's unbelievably hard with no augmentations. I can't even beat him with the help of a hacked turret that I lugged up to the boss level.

If it's possible to run games like GTA II on a mobile phone than it's sure as hell possible to run Minecraft on one, too.

Now playing

You have to root it first. But as for the difficulty of doing it, see for yourself.

For people who don't know, you can use your PS3 controllers (If you have em) with your android devices to game, wirelessly via Bluetooth might I add. At least it works on my SG2. It's really useful for playing PS1 classics.

They're not banning you from live, they're banning you from Call of Duty for a gamertag that they think is offensive. It's their game they can ban whomever they want for whatever reason.

I've read once that doctors induced a coma with one patient but found out his brain still wouldn't shut down. So I doubt things like 5-HTP will work if a coma can't shut the brain off.

I don't ever remember PS3 updates removing anything but the other OS feature. I can play ripped DVDs just fine. Although I prefer streaming content from my PC anyway. Maybe you're using a new codec that was never supported? Anyways, I've had a pretty decent experience with Sony. Don't really notice a difference with

I can't believe they're still making games for the PS2. That 'lil thing keeps on chuggin.

BestBuy had a promotion going on where you get any of the big new releases (including Skyrim) for $49.99 if you were a reward zone member (in Canada by the way). It ended Thursday though.