
You should read the book instead of just have watched the movie. The film version of BR doesn't do the book justice.

Hey if you feel that it makes the game more enjoyable, then go for it. But it'd be a lot better and funner in my opinion if you just learn to play the game on your own till you get to a respectable skill level. Personally I wouldn't take this route even if I was terrible and money wasn't an issue. But to each his own

This is actually easier on them believe it or not.

Damn is he that much of a fan?

What's it say? I can't read it.

It's impressive that Naughty Dog keeps squeezing more out of the PS3's 6 year old hardware.

Man, if that really is rendered in real time, then that's the best hair I've ever seen in a game. Wow. Naughty Dog doesn't cease to impress.

I'm willing to bet the ad money would be enough to cover running costs for Live and still make a profit.

I wonder how much money Microsoft makes off of those ads. Probably a shitload.

Yeah the people behind that did a really good job; wish I had an Xbox to play it on. Really enjoyed the original on PC.

Forgetting Halo: CE Anniversary?

Wow...I just realized I haven't put in my code for this game either (I got the game a couple of months back and wasn't able to try it out online since my PS3 died). What the fuck do they mean the codes shouldn't expire but they do? If they shouldn't expire, don't fucking put expiration dates on them.

Technically it exploded/was about to explode many years ago, considering the fact that the light from the star took a while to get here...

Okay even if they did get the game a week early, I doubt the servers were online a week early, and even if they were who did they play online with? They cheated man plain and simple.

Check it out on a Galaxy S2. Much, much better.

Yeah the title threw me off, I haven't really been following this game...

MGS4 was the last MGS. This is a MG game, not an MGS game.

Don't get too excited, the Pocket Edition doesn't have survival mode and has a pretty limited number of blocks. Hopefully survival mode will be added in a future update.

Yo. That looks like Brian Crecente.