
My favorite line: "WFH—Working From Home. What to do if a single snowflake falls out of

Just to clear up any confusion this game is coming out for the PS3 not the Vita.

EDIT: nevermind.

Nope, same thing with trophies on PSN.

Haha. It's been a while...

That's either from a Jak and Daxter game or a Ratchet and Clank. I'm thinking Jak 3?

The people that are saying that this isn't cheating and that most of the unlockable guns are as good as the ones you start off with are forgetting the vehicle unlocks, specifically the air vehicle unlocks.

Nope. They had that idea but decided to drop it.

Dang this guy sucks.

I love how as soon as the she crashed into the pump those two cars just backed the fuck up and dipped. I don't know why but I found that hilarious.

If the game was Call of Duty, you probably wouldn't notice it at all.

I started reading the comic a while back and I'm dying for the show to get as intense as it is.

I believe it was called Life After Humans.

Unfortunately for me I chose to get my chip replaced and I still can't beat Namir (playing on hard). I even lugged in a hacked turret from the previous level and he's still near impossible to beat with no augs. Anyone have any tips?

Anyone else notice that Sony has a thing for rubber ducks in their tech demos?

That makes two of us.