
I just did something similar to this in a genetics lab last week. Instead of testing paternity though we had to find a match for blood that was on a shirt from a list of "suspects." It was pretty fun learning how they do this stuff for things like murder cases and such. Mind you it wasn't as accurate as the tests that

MGS3's graphics have aged pretty darn well.

Didn't know she had a role in LOTR.

Man, imagine if this had a GLaDOS sounding voice, that would be awesome!

Man this show really blows. I had such high expectations for it, too. Maybe Breaking Bad has spoiled me.

That guys must have some really tiny hands; I have no problem touching any part of the screen on my S2 with my thumb, I just tried right now. And just watch, Apple will come out with a bigger screen eventually. I mean, why would they put all their features in one generation of the phone? They gotta hold some stuff

"Cocaine's a helluva drug."

If the guy was really serious about looking like Superman you'd think he'd be hitting the weights more often, eh?

Wha??? I remember walking into an Apple Store and one of the dudes behind the desk fixed the cracked screen on my old iPhone 4 for free. He didn't ask for anything he just took it and fixed it. A bunch of my friends had their phones fixed for free, too. Guess we got lucky.

I'll be sticking with my Galaxy S2 (which replace a previous iPhone 4).

If you don't want to risk getting a pat down, don't fly. Remember, flying isn't a right.

Hrmm, I'm considering crossing the border into Detroit to get a code. Nah fuck it, not worth the risk.

Here's a simple solution; have your lil bro sign in on your PS3 with his account before you fire the game up for the first time and voila, the game will be linked to both of your PSN accounts so he can play it on his own PS3.

Good job promoting it.

What if it rains?

I just got a sudden urge to eat some Sweet Chili Heat right now.

I never said it did. Don't know where you got that from. I was just pointing out the fact that Sony's security measures were up to date. Just because someone's servers get attacked doesn't mean they had shitty measures in place to prevent it.

I love how people are still promoting the myth that Sony had "piss poor" security, when in fact it was proven, and you can test it out yourself, that Sony had up to date security measures in place.