
I've played Ocarina of Time for the first time on the 3DS and I beat the Water Temple in around 1 1/2 - 2 hours on my first try. And I didn't use any of the sheika stones before anyone asks, I personally thought it was a mistake to add them in the 3DS version. Was the 3DS version easier than the N64 one or something?

I hope they release Heart of Darkness (Eric Chahi's best game). It's similar to Another World but it's also better in every way.

Sorry, double post.

No polygon count isn't that important in a game with a visual style like this, but textures are, and some of those environment textures looked pretty bad...

Definitely not the best looking PS3 game, not by a long shot.

Because University of Windsor is in a border city and you live in America and go to school in Canada so I thought I'd try :P.

You live in America but go to college in Canada. Don't tell me you also go to the University of Windsor?!

I get around the MKV issue by streaming videos in that format from my PC to PS3 using PS3mediaserver.

Looks like Halo?

Not sure if you're serious, but yes you can and there were some contestants in previous seasons who didn't own them and I remember one of them never even played on a Playstation console.

That hair is against regulation.

If you think that's "extremely common knowledge" then you need to get out more.

Did you wake up on the wrong side of your mother or something? How can you make fun of someone for not knowing the intricate details of how antivirus software works and then tell them to apply some logic?

I've always wondered why people avoid calling this man a terrorist but prefer the terms "shooter" and "attacker." Probably because he isn't dark skinned with dark hair.

My Kaspersky didn't pick up anything...

Now playing

Heart of Darkness. My first ever console game back when I was a wee tot. It was made by the same guy that made Another World. It's probably the most violent E rated game in history.

Really? I never found them to be as good as using a mouse on a PC. Maybe it's something you have to get used to.

Frag FX sucks big time!

Troll alert.

It wasn't a family crypt, if you payed attention you would see it was an assassin crypt, and eventually someone, probably an Italian assassin, built a house on top of it and it was eventually inherited by Mario (Ezio's uncle). He (Altair) was there because he was the founder of the post-Al-mualim assassin order, he