
Looks more like a Castlevania game to me, at least visually.

Congrats, you just fed the troll...

I've never understood why a game would get so much hate. Just don't buy it if you don't like it, it's that simple.

You wanna know what's not normal? The amount of shit those women inject into their faces every little while.

I remember doing this when replaying Final Fantasy Tactics on an emulator. Man I owned with the save state function.

I was just pointing out that it isn't fair to say you didn't have a problem with FPS's when they haven't even been invented yet.

Funny you say 32 years of gaming since FPS's have only been around since 1993 (Doom). And don't say what about Wolfenstein because they had their weapons placed in the centre of the screen at all times.

Correct me if I'm wrong but don't most left-handed soldiers learn to shoot right-handed anyway because some (or most?) weapons aren't ambidextrous?

Wow. They're still making PS2 games?

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Are you saying that Fifa 12 is exclusive to iOS? If you are then you're insane my friend!

Pilots don't even know what 90% of those switches do anyway. It's impossible to memorize all their functions. They usually just whip out the manual if a problem arises so they know which switches to flip and which buttons to press to help resolve it.

So one would require an iPad and two iPhones to play a multiplayer game of Fifa on a TV. I'll stick to my PS3, thanks.

Man that was my first proper online FPS experience. The game had sooo many custom game rooms to choose from, and don't get me started on those 1 hit kill 30 vs 30 matches. Those were insane!

Resistance 1 did have multiplayer. And it was very active too.

Trust me, prison time for pedophile is worse than the death sentence.

Speaking of prices going down, I don't understand why people go for the used version of a new release when usually it's just a couple of bucks cheaper than a new copy at Gamestop.

Dunno why everyone is making a big deal out of this. Doesn't this already happen on PC already with the CD keys? Or am I not getting my facts straight?

I lol'd.

1. Create video game.

I'm gonna simplify things greatly but here goes.