
Read up on the Twin Paradox (which isn't really a paradox). I'll sum it up real quick so you get the gist of it if you don't have the time to go through it. Pretty much it involves a twin that travels into space in a high-speed rocket and returns home to find he has aged less than his identical twin who stayed on

I was talking with respect to the US. I mean, the scale at which Americans gobble shit up from CNN and Fox News is just terrifying (no offense meant to Americans).

There's no such thing as Big Media in Canada.

No you'd be experiencing them at a slower speed my friend.

I wouldn't doubt that happening with the government that's in place right now.

Thank God I live in Canada...

Those are some really weak explanations. Now that I remember it, didn't Altair have an Arab accent in those mini AC games for the PSP?

You know what pisses me off about AC? Ezio has an Italian accent but Altair sounds like an American even though his parents were both Arabs and he was brought up by Arabs. That ticked me off so much. Was there even an explanation for that?

@Woshiernog: You can keep Gears. I'd rather take Halo :P. But seriously though, it's made by Naughty Dog, which is an exclusively Sony developer I believe.

Where did all these monkeys come from?

Hopefully this movie will be more like Wolverine than X3.

I thoroughly enjoyed it when I first seen it. I think I was around 7 at the time.

Wow, I have never noticed that. Thanks for the heads up.

@Fernando Jorge: No it dosn't. You're probably thinking of how the saves have the name of the last attempted mission in the name. There is no mission select.

Ahhh. Just like Driver.

Yup, where the brains are at.

What about Canada :(