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@Golgari: I also hate whenever there's Arabic text on like a sign or whatever, it's just random letters that aren't even typed out properly (Arabic is written in cursive vs. the "printed" letters in MW signs).

I never had any bugs with it :s. Maybe I'm getting lucky...

@kcswanko: Playstation copying hardware from MS and Nintendo? Bwahahahaha, I pity you, fool.

@Derkaderpader: Bro guess what; they don't owe us jack shit cause, wait for it, PSN is free.

Fallout New Vegas. Nuff said.

@twinturbo2: Gawker got hacked and info was most likely stolen, geddit?

Shit I forgot about that.

Wow, I got the game a week ago on PS3 and obviously hadn't been able to update it, and I haven't encountered a single bug yet (although it did freeze on me when loading once). Guess I'm just one of the lucky ones...


Give me proof of these "Sony reps." Not anonymous or unidentified Sony "insiders." Actual proof of a Sony official with a name that says this.

@xxnike629xx: "I mean seriously. WTF was Sony thinking? I mean it's been a looong time since we got a firmware update on the PS3 where they consistently released firmware updates on the PSP. Did they seriously think the PS3 was that secure to not release a firmware update in such a long time? I'm pretty sure they

@JuntMonkey: $20,000 is too high, they'd go the way of the rat for 10X less that amount.

@ethic: That comment made me laugh so much my friend looked at me and asked if I was okay.

Highly, highly, doubt that. And even if they've never read a gaming blog, so what? Does that make their opinions of a game invalid? That argument can be applied to anything. I myself enjoy Black Ops and did enjoy MW2 (for the most part). Sure there's a lot of problems with them but I find them fun. Why is there so

Anyone saying Sony wasn't running up to date security software should just shut the fuck up. Honestly when did people start taking the word of anonymous cyber criminals as the truth? It boggles my mind that people can think that one of the biggest consumer electronics corporations wouldn't bother updating their

I love how everyone is say "Not a single fuck was given," but when this next CoD comes out it will sell millions upon millions of units regardless. Honestly if you don't give a fuck why bother posting a comment?

Wow. I can't believe how dumb people are today. Honestly how dumb do you have to be to have credit card fraud happen to you? Is checking your purchases made with the card every so often really that hard? I check my purchases at least every couple of days, I'm pretty sure you can do the same. As for the matter of