
@Firescorpio1: Whenever credit card fraud happens the thief never purchases stuff "physically," it's always services or goods purchased online, that way they can have it delivered to a PO box with a fake name registered to it and make it that much harder for them to get caught.

5/10 is not mediocre or average, it is seriously below average, but still a passing grade.

@Kanji08: Dude 60% is a C- where I'm from. Definitely not a fail but a shitty mark nonetheless.

Wait what? I sold my 60 GB console a few weeks ago (it had YLOD) and got a new one. Did I do something wrong?

I'm trying to come up with a witty comment that will connect this with bin Laden's death and I've got nothing. Shit.

Kinect has its strong points. The FPS genre isn't one of them. The PS Move (and Wii to an extent) offer way better first person control. Just play KZ3 with the move. I dare you.

@ithy-phallus: They did, and if they did it earlier you would still bitch and complain.

@-MasterDex-: Uncharted has much better combat mechanics than Tomb Raider. I don't even think Tomb Raider ever even had hand to hand combat. Tomb Raider 1-3 were the best of the series, and those in my opinion don't match up to Uncharted in any way (although they were amazing games).

@Kent: Maybe the fact that it went down made him think that it went down?

@SanjiX: TOu guys shouldn't be talking about this on an internet site, now I'm gonna have to take your balls.

What is this, North Korea?

@Kanji08: My god I read some of the comments on that site and every MS fanboy is claiming Valve intentionally sabotaged Portal 2 for the 360. Denial at its finest.

"If you're playing a marathon of Call of Duty Modern Warfare you need to..." ...use a gamepad/mouse not a wiimote.

It's funny how people keep saying that these are too expensive. How bout this, skip your next two trips to McyD's and you've got enough money to buy.

Racing games are still popular on the iphones/pods/pads? Could never get past the handling on the few that I've tried to actually get sucked in.

@Bryy Miller: He's not the president if he wasn't born in America. /sarcasm

@SmilingPolitely: By the time a controller's Li-ion battery degrades to the point where it can't hold a charge for a reasonable amount of time, the controller probably needs to be replaced anyway (due to wear on buttons, analogs, etc). I still use the controllers I bought with my PS3 at launch and they hold a charge

So he payed for it. Those donations "refunded" it.