
His list of demands made me laugh. An apology from Sony? Bwahahaha that is a good one. Seriously how does one individual believe he can defend himself against the legal might of a behemoth company like Sony, let alone have them listen to your demands.

@Cleesox: Ditto! That's one of my favorite games of all time!

@anduin1: Cruel joke? How so?

@hurr. pancakes: I didn't even click the link when I found out that it was written up by UGO.

@archronos: Not if you have the infinite ammo bandanna.

He forget to edit in the shell casings. Pretty nice video though.

@pandafresh: The bad guys were actually professional stunt men that I presume were hired by Freddie. Check out his behind the scenes vid.

Wow, dude you just completely killed my argument. I should just go cut my wrists.

Firstly I had to read that second paragraph twice because it was so poorly structured. Secondly, you sir, are a total dick. I game on PC once in a while, I never said PC gaming sucks, yet here you are spouting your typical "PC gamers are the master race" bullshit. Grow up. Can't you get it some people prefer console

Sigh. What happened to the good ol' days when Anonymous used to fuck with Scientology?

If your dog was blow up to your size he would still be the same loyal dog.

This isn't MK. This is just a generic fight scene from a generic action movie.

@JesusChrist: He threw that shit before he even came in the room! Ha!

@deuxhero: Have you ever looked at photos of war? Have you ever seen the film Saving Private Ryan? They all pretty much have the exact same colour scheme as KZ2. War's all doom and gloom. KZ2 did a pretty accurate description of how the colours of war are supposed to look like. And I see how you conveniently left out

@d0m: ...over 9000. Sorry I had to do it.

Realm of Science? You know a lot of stuff that was considered magical was found to be science.

No it doesn't. But how does that analogy have anything to do with what we're discussing? Sony has an explanation. It's up there.

You call watching a movie about a bunch of women imagining shit having fun? Maybe if your drunk or high....

You had to play that extreme analogy card, didn't you? Listen, the bottom line is Sony is providing you with a FREE service, and you get to keep it if you abide by the rules they have set. It's just like walking into a fancy restaurants that requires formal dress wearing a t shirt and jeans and then flipping out when