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What about people with slow connections, how will their AI be? The cloud is utter bullshit, you are just falling for it like sheep, and even if it was true, imagine, 7 years later, the game loses all online support, and you can't even play with bots, because the AI is stored on the cloud!

Read this post in the Xbox Forums. I hope it allows you to get on page about the Xbox One. XboxOne Forum

That is very well said, thank you!

You make a good point. The gaming industry is fragile and with its track record in the past few years it's clear it will implode upon itself if it continues the way it is - that being, if publishers continue to expect absurd ROI from their AAA marketed titles that aren't actually AAA material. The problem I personally

It's completely fair for gamers to be upset that Microsoft is no longer catering to the hardcore crowd.

Jupiter raises an excellent point, though...if the XBox One does not support our licenses or older games, what do we do if, say, our old 360 craps out and we can't access the content because it was tied to a defunct console. It's not as if we have the games sitting on a shelf where we can just eBay a new-old 360 and

Considering the fact that 3GB of the 8GB in the system will be restricted to the OS itself... I think it's more than fair to say that gaming performance will be hit.

Oh I am judging it based on the features and services advertised as a machine, not the future software it will run. As a machine, with the services and features advertised, it is inferior to a PC. I am not a PC elitist, I am an Xbox 360 owner who sees absolutely no reason to justify investing in a platform that isn't

"You Don't Hate the Xbox One, You're Just Jealous."

You literally just said "It's bound to happen, we might as well just take it". What most gamers will NOT do, is just roll over and take the abuse. This thing is a giant TiVo that plays games. Nothing more.

An undetermined system to transfer used games, instead of just swapping out discs; required connection to the internet once a day (we are pretty sure); mandatory Kinect; the internet being central to core features like cloud gaming; and backwards compatibility. These are the big complaints, and looking at them, it’s

Nope, still hate it and not jealous.