
Silly Xbox. There's no internet here. "Go home"

The beauty about the PS4 is that it doesn't matter!!! It's all in the developers hands if I need the internet or not.

Microsoft is doing this to themselves. We are just acknowledging it.

Should of listen to their customers.

The Xboned effect. We are all feeling it. Let's wait for the Sony Conference and hope for the best.

I don't understand all the frustration about Kotaku. Microsoft has included features with their new product that some don't appreciate. Always On DRM, Used Game Dilema, "Removing" Indie Games and the Mandatory Kinect that's always looking and hearing. For more on all that, here you go Xbox Forums. They are people

Yeah, I'd prefer the 50% better GPU console. But that's just me.

Read this post in the Xbox Forums. I hope it allows you to get on page about the Xbox One. XboxOne Forum

Microsoft's demographic outtake for the Xbox One. TV > Sports > Watercooler > Games.

I can't believe people are being duped into buying a system that's not even a console no more. You can't play your games without an internet connection, an always watching and listening kinect not optional, killing off the used game industry with their "addional fee" as if a paid Xbox live account with Ads weren't

I guess we could ask Sony about that one.

TV over Games, that's the motto I hear for the Xbox One. That plus DRM'd for life, Always Online or No Game "big worry", kill used games for gamers and businesses, always on kinect or it won't work "its a camera looking at you online all the time" , a water cooler, and something about TV. Guys I like my Xbox but if