
clearly the time has come for you muricans to give up your guns... and settle your differences like real men(and women) from here on...

Yeah, so were the Clintons.

Exactly. I hate to name-drop, but [Ryan] Fitzpatrick is still playing!?

That was dangerous. The Coast Guard should issue that whale a cetacean.

Why is there a toad sitting next to Louie CK?

“Oh. I didn’t know that. I’m not from here, I’m from Canada.”

Until they re-hire Bobby Valentine, they haven’t hit rock bottom.

To add insult to literal injury, insurance giant plans on renaming themselves YankeeLife.

At least this camerman had the class to shoot landscape mode.

Thankfully there WERE Capitol Police there! had there not been, this would have been a shooting gallery. One more reason why unarmed people make the best targets. One of the Capitol Policemen continued to return fire and protect the targets even after having been shot. That’s incredible devotion to duty.

To everyone talking about karma or in any way suggesting this isn’t a terrible thing:

It’s tough to get anyone in Washington to admit to obstruction these days.

Easily one of the worst calls by an official in any sport this century.

Lord help us if the roles were reversed. They would have had to scrape Milbury off the broadcast booth ceiling.

Not sure I like the direction the sausage race has taken.

I’m not sure you’ve watched many Jets games in the last 10 years.

best thing he could do for the jets at this point is sign with the pats and somehow kill both mccown and hackenberg in a devastating double sack

I love the racism you enthusiastically express.
Obama was invited many times by Bill O’Rielly, but he was to chicken shit to appear.

Why say “Five Gulf Nations cut ties with Qatar” when you can say “Five Gulf Nations break Qatar strings?” That’s web journalism 101, Wags.

It will go down as a foul ball, but that was almost a sack fly.