I had to look it up too. It’s a Nissan Limo.
I had to look it up too. It’s a Nissan Limo.
Rex Ryan does not approve.
Saw that on CornHub!
How redundant: Dolphin = Irrelevant
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I still have my Orlando Rage T-shirt from the original XFL> I wonder if this time we’ll get more than one season.
+1 CTE
Stupid Whalers!
I thought it was Ben Stiller.
Nooooooooo! The balls are NOT juiced! Honest!
Mr Kraft would like a word with you...
I bet Gruden is a little red-faced!
One thing that you didn’t touch on - Day games! There are hardly any day games any more. I understand they want their TV revenue, but kids have to go to school early and they’re not staying up to watch a game that goes past their bedtime. Why would they be interested in a sport they can’t watch?
I can’t believe I haven’t seen someone bring up peanut butter and banana sandwich!
Thank you Mr. Baldwin.
They’re actually closer than they appear.
It’s not the dog in the fight; It’s the fight in the dog!