
If they’re autonomous electric cars that communicate with each other then there won’t be much of an issue since you don’t have to worry about the inchworm effect of people waiting for the car ahead of them to start moving. The whole thing can move as a unit. Program your exit number and let the car worry about merging

Disappointed to see that this was merely a car transporting a grill and not a car equipped with a functioning propane grill inside like the headline seemed to suggest. Oh, well. It’s Florida we’re talking about, so there’s always tomorrow.

Anybody else notice his Nurburgring shirt was Laguna Seca?

Car Bros is a gift from the automotive gods. I can only hope that their increase in videos lately (2 in 1 month!) means that they’re going to focus more on their channel. Subscribe people! They deserve your lulz

Lesson: people of all income levels are dicks.

He should have Czekaj’d himself before he Wzekaj’d himself.

The man claims he has been running track since high school, and that he was never cut.

He actually did get a call from the HOF but it was dropped

Read the title; automatically assumed it was David Tracy and a Jeep. Apologies, Andrew.

“I could do with a cleaner sleeper look, but keep the performance ot the Type R!”

It’s the political equivalent of “thoughts and prayers.” I thought and I prayed and NOTHING HAPPENED. What gives?

Like a fool I google image searched f-cup without thinking, then, after several minutes appreciating bras I tried searching for f-cup rally instead.

Coming soon: the Chrysler Town and Cuntry

He’s making a perfectly cromulent point in the rest of the column, but I didn’t absorb any of it because that one trainwreck paragraph had me curled in a ball under my desk.

the fact that you were in 6th grade in 2000 makes me want to crawl into the yawning grave and scoop dirt onto myself

Okay, but people pay $300K for memberships to his golf course. If I invite you over to my house for Christmas and take a dump on the rug, sure it’s technically still my call, but I’m also a huge dick for doing so.

It also has the limited edition side mounted Suburu.

I believe ramming someone with your car means you’re not being passive aggressive anymore.

They look like the final opponents in a minor league hockey movie starring Channing Tatum, Alden Ehrenreich, and Michael B. Jordan called Third Line.