
If you add Palcohol then we've got something.

Of course he didn't see the train! His head was covered in a black globe!

"If I see some guy I'm gonna throw a piece of pizzer at him"

ne regardez pas le gendarmerie!

Why it happened:

Negative Ghostrider, her "pattern" is full

She looks great, but I'm not sure I dig the pepto-pink shoes. I don't dislike it, though... I'm feeling conflicted.

Not my favorite of hers, but she looked like she was having a blast. I'm an old rocker, so I still like her best with No Doubt. *dodges projectiles* What? I am what I am.

That's Great Stuff.

This comment thread's gonna be a nightmare, isn't it?

"Get some Febreze or something!" has meme potential written all over it.

Where I work, they'd probably have to infect to get into our machines.

Dear Elizabeth Banks,

THANK YOU for not abusing the term "hack"

As a veteran, I want to apologize on behalf of any server who has ever had to put up with some obnoxious veteran who felt they were entitled to act like an asshole at any place that provides a free meal or a discount to vets on Veterans' Day. I pretty much stopped going to those out of second-hand embarrassment.