I learned how to drive in a Tempo. My dad had one...which he bought after trading in his 1990 Honda Civic manual.
Puke. It’s puke. It’s always puke.
I just hope Crosby is OK. Everyone is talking about it like he’ll just come out of it. It has the potential to end the man’s career. Whether you like the man or not, wishing brain damage on someone is not a hot take.
Stick to the head like that is always going to get misconduct, especially because Niskanen was looking in that direction. He made a decision to protect himself with his stick. It was the wrong decision.
Have you listened to Mike Lang call a game?
As a Pittsburgher, I was surprised to learn that urinating on people in a Primanti Bros was illegal. I thought it was required.
I’m pretty sure this is the only way it could get more spicy on the court.
Definitely Bill Macy. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0318374/
Definitely Bill Macy. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0318374/
So you’ve met my wife.
Not until you’ve ridden the wooden roller coaster at Dollywood - The Camel Toe.
1988 Integra. It was my first car. My sister gave it to me on my 16th birthday in a total surprise (0lder half-sister, drove in from out of town to give it to me. It was her first car.). I broke both of the front control arms driving that thing like a maniac. Got speeding tickets in it. Moved back and forth to college…
I’m thinking that the scarlet dust is, itself, a weapon of sorts. Perhaps its toxic or corrosive?
But does it have VTEC enabled?
Hey, corporations are people too.
The Xbox version is balls.
I think this EVERY TIME I see Balotelli’s name.
Admittedly, I’m not a “Baseball person,” but I’m familiar with baseball people and baseball terms. I have never heard the term Dong used to refer to a home run hit before.