
I put myself through school as a server/bartender, so I love reading good people stories as much as the bad. The spilled wine story is great. I was out with a group of 7 other bar employees on a Monday night (restaurant employee Saturday) and we went to a nice upscale Italian place for a treat. We order cocktails and

That story about the woman who got doused with red wine? I had a similar experience and similarly laughed it off. As a server was setting a nice large martini (with a lemon twist, not an olive) in front of me his hand trembled for some reason and the whole thing went down the front of my shirt. The look of horror on

Jamie Layton’s story reminds me of a famous story I heard when I was working at a regional theater festival.

Today I learned that being a feminist was unethical...

"Let's go out to the lobby...

One time when I was outside of a Cheesecake Factory smoking a cigarette a man propositioned me thinking I was a hooker.

Now I have to find a way to work "At the end of EVERY BOTTLE, Albert." into my conversation

To avoid spoiling for others, I was SO GLAD when that character said that. I'd been fighting against the idea of redemption for that group of people and the character really encapsulated the complexity of their situation and what they'd historically done to survive. God, this show. Love it.

"We're fucking up his car."

Thank you. I love reading Jezebel, and the food columns. However, a number of these actions were more than revenge, they didn't demonstrate wit/cunning/intelligence. They were vandalism.

So far I count:

It's not basically abuse, it is abuse. That owner is a dick.

Hey look I love city-bashing and food-mocking and regional rivalries as much as the next American, but let's not with the "Jim-Earl" and "Lurleen" stuff. It's lazy at best, and punching-down classist at worst.

I hope I didn't read your comment as blatant generalization....

Lived in St. Louis my whole life, never heard that.

Another hack comedy jab at regional cuisine. Drink.

Let me know if you ever come. I run a food podcast in STL (Four Courses), and, believe me, there is LOTS of great food here. The places/foods mentioned in this wiki article are not what I would recommend to ANY traveler.

STL suffers from a VERY OLD GUARD of people who market shit like what you read about in that wiki

Three things.

On the other hand, gooey butter cake is really pretty good.

As a long time restaurant worker, I have perfected the art of slapping my foot on to the unturned prongs of a dropped fork, flipping it into the air and catching it. That is my best pick up move. I suck at hitting on people.