Yep, it’s called taxis, uber or friend. You just pulled Pinkham’s law. Congrats.
Lot of things in that guy’s head were wrong. Math, how to talk to humans, realizing error and admitting be wrong. Props to that line cook for bestowing on him the miracle of flight.
Yes, terrible muggers. That’s not how you choose targets, either. The best mugging targets are families rich-looking couples with children are usually the best. You want to corner them on the way home from the theater or the opera, because they’ll be distracted and dressed up. You definitely want to take any jewelry…
Does anyone know how to become a contestant on Shark Tank?
ReVamp. eheh. ehehehehe. ehehhehhhehehhh.
God, it must really be awful for those creators to have a bunch of people on the internet making assumptions about their intentions and criticizing them publicly. Good thing it’s only on twitter though, imagine if there was a whole app, just for that!
“So, your table stopped me and asked what kind of fish they had was because they thought you were lying to them; I told them it was cod and they asked why we didn’t have real fish.”
Ugh. I hate the nickname Topher!
I always call myself Lugnutz in video games, I think if I could have chosen a name at age 13 that Lugnutz would have been perfect.
You are the wrongest anyone has ever been wrong about anything in the history of wrongness. Repent.
Right? I met my boyfriend in a bar, we got drunk and talked about Lord of the Rings. Then we made out.
It’s three stupids for the price of one!
I once watched a customer rip this middle-aged gentleman a new one because he called me “sweetheart” when I dropped off his check. (He also demanded a hug.)
...of course, in this particular case, said middle-aged gentleman was my dad, visiting me at my job, so I didn’t mind. (Dad never does either thing to waitresses…
I’ve had the same thing happen. I’m on my knees moving shelves to set up a display, and someone will walk right past a librarian sitting at the desk to ask me if I work there.
What I know about romance novels could fill like 700 caliente love bundles. I know so much. Almost too much. Like I have serious opinions about romance authors and publishing companies and their editing and prose and how they do business based entirely on my two years restocking the romance section of a Half Price…
The issue here isn’t about taboo kinks or anything of the sort. An Evangelical Christian writer is appropriating actual Jewish oppression and genocide in order to write a book for a Christian audience about her falling in love with her oppressor. And then she erases the character’s Jewishness at the end by having her…
Firstly, the Night Porter does not condone what was done to Charlotte Rampling’s character during the Holocaust. They are both extremely traumatised people who cannot break free from the relationship that once sustained them. When they try to do so, it ends in disaster. It is an erotic film that makes serious points…