

Good plan. Zombies can't get in without a card.

ha ha ha, ok well then BAD fan fic writers :)

Well, she's got "Crazy in Love" and "Single Ladies," two of the biggest songs of the last twenty years...

nope. Halo, Countdown, Drunk in Love, Say My Name, Independent Woman, 'Bills, Bills, Bills', XO, Single Ladies, Party are all 'important' modern R&B singles. ( few of them from Destiny's Child)

I'm just annoyed these screencaps are from I, Robot and you've reminded me of that boring thing.

Kid Rock is a smudgy, sixth-generation xerox of a 1976 promotional photo of Ted Nugent with a more monosyllabic vocabulary.

are you kidding, if this spoiled the end of the season i might finally consider going back to the shitstorm that has become that show (i'm 2 episodes behind and have been reading the spoilers because i've been so annoyed that i'm unsure if i AM returning. And yes i've seen the clusterf**k that is the new canary). I

Not only does it fill my viewing schedule since quitting Arrow, I now get to see a competent Canary? I'm in. I'm sooo in.

We spent a whole episode with her body in the background shots. They did everything they could to make it clear that she's dead.

No, it wasn't.

Um, because Oliver keeps jumping to the defence of a mass murderer (who also caused both his parents' murders and set him for his 5 year absence) for flimsy reasons while ignoring his friends and family? Because the whole "Malcolm set up Thea to get Oliver to challenge Ra'as" barely makes sense? The flashbacks are now

If this announcement spoiled the end of this season of Arrow, which I have not watched even though I loved the first two because I was so upset about Sara, the same way the announcement of Spike being on Angel spoiled the end of Buffy, I am so very, very ok with it.

I'm not sure finally losing it with the notorious psychotic asshole she's thus far managed to tolerate throughout the production of two films makes her unlikeable.

"Scarlett Johansson says there's nothing creepy or inappropriate about John Travolta."

So at this place, everything tastes like ham?

You really don't need to abridge it that much. Cut out all of the descriptions of hair, dresses and breasts and —BAM!— 1000+ pages melt down to a little over 300!

There's a fundamental part of the equation that everyone forgets when they ask this question: marketing. Master of the Universe is a craptacular title, but Fifty Shades of Grey is brilliant. As pointed out, the cover art is elegant and accessible, invoking a certain alluring aesthetic without telegraphing "escapist

"And I think the fact that the books sold so well says and means something, and I don't think it's necessarily BAD."

I'd rather people didn't read than choose to read something which normalises abusive relationships.