
Proposal planners? This guy did a really stupid thing, sure. But these "proposal planners" do really stupid things EVERY fucking day. I think they're the real villains here.

This is John Cho. All other crush suggestions are invalid.

No. He's a terrible actor. He plays Jack Nicholson in all his movies. Haven't you noticed? It doesn't matter if he plays a Mafia hitman, NASA astronaut or the devil, he plays them all the same way. That's why it used to be a thing for comedians to pretend to be Jack Nicholson as a produce clerk or whatever the

Did he stand by while a 13 yr old girl was being raped in his house, too?

I went to a fist adult party.

They should change the acronym to WAEIGJ (Women Against Ethics In Gaming Journalism.)

No. You don't know what my day is like. Maybe my day involved divorce papers or getting fired or a damn funeral and this meal or shopping trip has a lot more riding on it. I sympathize with the parents, I really do. But the fact that your kid is frustrating and exhausting you is not license to just avoid dealing with

On the other hand there are people who have debilitating migraines and other neurological disorders that can be brought on by loud/ high pitched noises. Don't they deserve to be able to go out in public with out fear of crippling pain?

Yeah, no. I used to work retail, and there are a surprisingly large number of soccer moms who apparently have no problem letting their children run amok in the store, knocking into other shoppers, sales reps and clothing displays. We had two boys under age 10 actually knock a heavy ass mannequin off a table taller

I'm sure this murder was carried out for the cause of Ethics in Gaming Journalism, in which case it really isn't murder.

Hop on board, young sir! Your ticket is your possessing an ounce of self-awareness/humor/empathy.

Find my scrotum, I dare ya.

Um, actually it's not about his penis. It's about ethics in journalism.

My own figure «ballooned» when I had a burnout a couple years ago. Someone from my own family made really mean comments about my weight and I had to cut them out of my life in order to get better. This came after years of being teased, joked about, demeaned and given second-class citizen treatment by this person, my

Dear Bryony,

Good morning, lover.

Muppet face ass. More entertaining at parties.

I hate to white knight Madge, but, having been through a similar situation, sometimes you just have to stop trying to fix someone's life. That doesn't mean you stop caring.

I think it's just you.

Her response? Not her problem as a poor college student?