NotSarahWalker I the only one who thinks that a show about someone who mistakenly buys a boat haunted by Natalie Wood's ghost would be amazing? Especially if the two of them teamed up to solve other unsolved Hollywood cold cases?

How about we stop calling out good Christians for not standing up to the bad ones? It's a needlessly aggressive stance that's more about misdirected rage than actually trying to solve a problem. There is nothing anyone can do to instantly stop shitheads from being shitheads, so unless you want to propose something to

I'm glad his neighbor wasn't the type to slam their door in your friend's nose and state "I couldn't care less."

Oh come on, Asian people are always with the "Hey, my ching chong, what's up?!" Why can't non-Asian people say it?

Casual racism at a place with 'Fox' in the name... how unusual.

Remember a little while ago when Bill O'Reilly was running his mouth about, "Everyone talks about white privilege. Why don't we talk about Asian privilege?" Well, Bill, shit like this is fucking why.

Is it really that hard? Are the CW not casting shows anymore?

I heard someone say once, that if all that extraterrestrials had available to them in their efforts to understand life on earth were movies and television shows, that they would naturally assume that the human population was 85% white and male, and that the life span of the female was approximately 25 years.


Um, shut up, please. Thanks.

Now I've read the stories. And all I can say is nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Fuck it, I'm out.

R.L. Stine wrote words to me.

If by some chance I end up with a dude way bigger than me, like 6'6, 350 lbs, I'm totally carrying him over the threshold.

eh, not as scary as werewolf bar mitzvah - spooky, scary

I'm immediately going to take a string of selfies of me doing random things and start showing them to people who insist on showing me picture after picture of their kids. "Cute kid! Oh look at these. Here's me giving a thumbs up while I watch SVU on Netflix. Oh and here's me playing with some lint I found on my

actually if you bring ME somewhere and give me a coloring book i will also be quiet and well-behaved.

He really hit them all, didn't he? 1) Anonymous reporters are lying. 2) Anyone who would go public with such private details is obviously looking for attention. 3) They went back for more, so how bad could it be? and 4) It happened SO LONG ago! I mean, people can change!

I poached... and proceeded to convince myself that she left the last guy because I was so amazing, so I had nothing to worry about.

I could never be the "other man" in a relationship. To me, there are few things worse in a relationship than a cheater. If I'm with a woman that has a husband/boyfriend, it's a pretty logical step that once she leaves him for me, I'll always have the question in the back of my mind, "Is she doing the same thing to me?"

I misread the title as why it may not pay to steal someone else's panther, which I felt was fairly self-explanatory.