
Fucking ghost thigh gap, perpetuating an unrealistic ghost beauty standard. Just ghastly.


rich j can fucking fight me

No, metal is *different* from pop. All music from from similar genres sound the same. My husband plays guitar, and he likes to joke that if you downstroke a power chord, you get metal. If you upstroke, you get ska. One is not better than the other, its a matter of preference.

Many life changes ago, I was a background actor for the movie where Sandra Bullock wears red boots a lot. I was placed right next to her and the 2nd AD kept ordering me around brusquely, maybe a little more harshly than a normal 2nd AD would. He kept calling me "You", which, no big deal. But after the 20th, "Hey you".

Sorry, Eddie, I've seen Les Miserables. I only can guess that you have much more stage presence than you did in that movie.

Yeah and Evans and Hemsworth were proven box office names....

So it's okay for a 50 year old to play Iron Man, but a 45-50 year old woman, who is in great shape and looks younger than her years, can't play Captain Marvel. Gotcha. And by your logic, Sackoff would be 45 when the third movies role around? Should they replace her? Or just shoot her outright.

Or... Yvonne Strahovski?

Well given she's been Ms. Marvel, had her powers ripped away, turned into a female thing, got her powers back, and claimed the mantel of Captain Marvel, that's a lot of history and pain that would (to me at least) say we needed an older Carol.

I'm glad I live in universe where I can enjoy movies from both studios.

I'm about to die. I mean this is incredible. Captain Marvel!

I don't see how it's possible to rank them. They are all horrendous acts that need to end. Let's not open the can of worms that people justify rape because it's 'not as bad' as murder. They are all awful. full stop.

But I really want Aunt Bernice and Jen Esposito to have a zany 70s web series where they just either crash parties or solve the mystery of the week, scooby doo style.

The anthropomorphic personification of hair gel, I imagine.


Mine is basically the watered down versions of three separate stories rolled into one. When I was in middle school, they did this thing where all the 6th graders got to go on this three day trip to the mountains. Teachers went, parents went, there were all sorts of outdoorsy activities, and a good time was generally

I don't know, I think feminists' worst failure was when we ͏̷̡̙̟̜̜į̫̖̞̖͈͜͠ͅņ̜̳͙́v̢̢͉̩̩̥̻͇̖̘̜͞o̴̹̤̫̫͔̩̫̬̻k̢̳̥̙e̱͍̩̳̫̲͢d ̴͉̞͍̯̗͚͙t̖͔̪͎̫̕ͅh̶̛̞̺̳̮̬̹͎è̬̦̰̕ ̨͕̠̹h̼̳͚͎͈į̙̙̀̕v̫̘͈̗̤̜̰͝͡e͟҉̷̙̥̟̝͍̻̮-҉̸̡͎̮m͉̦̙͢͟i̸̞̠n̼̞͝d̶̩̱̣̳

/long rant

A male friend was a victim of domestic abuse. A female friend was a victim of domestic abuse. They did not have the same experiences getting help, etc because of gender roles, homophobia, sexism, etc. There is a place and need in society for general and specific help.

If MRAs really cared about Mens Rights,

I can't believe people are defending her actions. I felt like i was on crazy pills when I read that part.