
She is the best part of the show, imo.

In 1976, a young Dustin Hoffman was shooting one of the biggest movies of his career - Marathon Man. (...) To put himself in the mindset of a man losing control Hoffman didn't sleep for days at a time and let his body become disheveled and unhealthy. Finally, after all this work Hoffman notices his co-star Sir

You guys, remember that time I killed all those orphans and everyone got mad at me? I was method acting, you sillies! Calm down!

Agreed. Besides, it's not like there aren't any British remakes of American shows.

If someone offered me a huge advance, I would! Chapter 9: Age 13: The Tragedy of Shopping at JC Penney with Mom

Yeah, I feel the same way. Like, I love Tina Fey, but her book would look pretty stupid in this chart. I don't think Bristol Palin needs to be protected or whatever, but this seems kind of spiteful.

Now I know what I'm procrastinating to for the rest of the afternoon.

This is perfect!

No! I've been living Everyone in Your PhD Program, but this sounds like a shit ton more fun.

I call it "the Trump."

but sales people and service providers are people, and when people make honest mistakes, the customer should not coerce them into offering special deals or, much more seriously, try to get the sales clerk fired. This was an honest mistake.

Jen's version of the story is "I dunno, typical weekend at Bath and Bodyworks, I guess".

Look, I appreciate a good Ke$ha joke as much as the next girl, but this shit is HEINOUS, full stop. Eat 'em alive, girl, and take no prisoners.

So she deserved to be raped, drugged and beaten?? Are you a fucking monster?

Shut up.

Anyone who saw a Ke$ha video and made life decisions based on it were probably not on a path to that de-luxe apartment in the sky. She's an entertainer, playing a character as part of her medium. Stop being dumb.

So, because she sings songs about getting drunk and going out to clubs, she deserves to be drugged and sexually assaulted? That's just the chicken coming home to roost?

Aw, damn. Poor Kesha. Good for her that she's feeling strong enough to take this guy to task, but what awful things to have happened to her. I'm not a fan, but I'll be rooting for her all the same.

I would laugh in a man's face if he seriously asked me if I had email.