
The problem is, by saying you only feel sympathy for their children and not for these women stuck doing something they regretted, you're ensuring that women will continue to feel ashamed for having these feelings and they won't speak about this frankly to people close to them or anyone else, and will keep these

"I don't want my kids learning about sex from bathers … Which is why a few bathers I have seen lately really bug me. I guess now I need to explain that to my sons?" and so on.

But seriously: pick up your f-ing dog poo.

Also, she's totally with Kristoff at the end. The movie doesn't say all men are bad, just you know, the evil double crossing one.

she's also a fucking neuroscientist who doesn't believe in vaccinating her kids, so i'm not exactly rushing to take her opinions seriously.

Mayim clearly has no problems with playing a character whose relationship often ignores her needs as a person. maybe she should focus more on her own choice to be on The Big Bang Theory and stop bashing others.

I thought Frozen took a look at the tropes Disney built itself on and tried to find a way to subvert them but still keep to the spirit of a Disney movie. I certainly never felt there was "man bashing" ( can we please not make this a thing btw. I only speak for myself and #notallmen but frankly we've done enough shit

I read the headline and thought they dressed up like Al Capone and the like and thought, "Well, what's the big deal?"

Am I wrong to want to have this discussion?

That first story reminds me of when I was a young waitress (probably 16?) who'd just moved up from dishwasher and prep cook at a small-town restaurant. The chef told me, in her thick German accent, to put a Porterhouse on the specials board. I'd never heard of one, asked her to repeat it, and then confidently wrote

Wrong? No. An idiot? Yes. Assault is a crime regardless of who is beating on who. Intimate partner violence is frowned upon regardless of who is beating on who. Your "what ifs?" are the questions of a child who heard boys shouldn't hit girls and hasn't had a single thought about it since. Now it's suddenly occurred to

Something about this is rubbing me the wrong way and I can't put my finger on it. I have had it up to effing here with the NFL, but this feels off to me too. It feels like they're directing it still towards women and a company that markets to women with an almost exclusively female product. Why isn't anyone fucking

4th and schl0ng.

I used Martha Stewart's brisket recipe and a crock pot. I put quartered onions and carrots on the bottom, put the brisket on top and surrounded it with potatoes. Covered with chicken stock. High heat for four hours. Done.

Only the government can censor. Private citizens don't owe you shit.

About the level of insight I would expect from someone with your name. aka: none.

I'll take Etsy seriously on this when they ban faux Native American headdresses and knockoff turquoise jewelry labeled as Zuni and dream catchers crafted in Chinese sweatshops and $10 "Navajo" pottery.

To be fair, if my choice was between ladies and Pat Robertson, I'd stick with the ladies.