

That is a great point. A woman annoyed at something a man said or did? Must be a man-hating, feminazi! A man rapes or kills a woman? Better not call him a misogynist, didn't you know more men than women are murdered??

It's amazing how low the bar is for the "man-hater" accusation against women. Sick of patriarchal oppression and men patting themselves on the back for FINALLY recognizing a small subset of women/girls as people and talking heads blaming women for the abuses committed against them and voters electing politicians who

Compliments like "you would make a good guy" or "you're not like those OTHER girls, you're COOL" used to make me preen. Now they make me retch :(

I see you haven't let the fact that you allegedly care about these issues stop you from being a patronizing jackass to women. Very few men care about these issues, period. But nice try trying to spin it into *my* character flaw.

I thought that first line said, "Women will fantasize about hot food all day long," which seemed pretty accurate to me.

haha I also have that delusion. I always get soooo excited before a flight, imagining the handsome British man seated beside me named Tom who has a soft spot for rough-around-the-edges Canadian girls... but it's never Tom. It's always Linda, the overweight middle-aged woman who chats incessantly and loses her mind

But are you really comfortable with that principle? Truly? Because I can see all kinds of ways in which that would lead to wildly intrusive journalistic abuse—and women politicians are especially vulnerable to that abuse. People's private medical business needs to remain private no matter how much we hate their

Are you shitting me? What business is it of yours what Sarah Palin does with her uterus?

Grown ass people living with their parents really isn't a red flag these days. Times are tough yo.

Ok, so, I watched this entire ordeal go down on Twitter last night. I'm all for holding assholes accountable for shit, but you only included the one tweet where he said "a million apologies." You didn't include the probably hundreds of other tweets he sent throughout the entire night, apologizing to almost every

Not just you. We don't live anywhere remotely near a Red Robin, have never eaten at one, but have seen the commercial maybe twice and now sing it all the time. As a call-and-response. Randomly. It's so damn catchy.

Congrats, you're a creep.

The musical stylings of Meat Loaf are appropriate for a surprising number of situations.

Jezebel was one of the first sites on the internet to provide links to the picture, and now Jezebel's stance is that anyone viewing the pictures are perverts that deserve a malware attack?

My personal favorite was the can of legumes that someone accidentally labeled "Black Bears."

Fine, go ahead and pick the terminology, I really don't care much.

It's not one or the other. She could have written it into the books and not have it be the only, defining thing about his personality or storyline.