
This ending is SO MUCH BETTER. It's a low bar, but... still.

Guys we all have to make a pact to watch this, even if it's terrible. Otherwise it'll get cancelled and we'll be told that female superheroes aren't profitable. :/

WARNING: This is an angry rant!

What I'm so tired of is when a person or group of people spouts racist, fatphobic, misogynistic, transphobic or homophobic crap like they're being SUBVERSIVE and EDGY because they think it's fucking cool or something.

No. You're just like 90% of the rest of the world. You're a tired old

First Amendment only applies to state action. Creating a sexually hostile work environment is against the law.

Oh, man, don't you love it when you can shoot the shit and joke with your coworkers? I used to have a group of coworkers who sat around with me all day making jokes about genitalia and sex and vibrators that play Christmas music. Those were the days! Now most of my coworkers are religious and I have to watch what I

I would. I would stuff a small pillow into my spanx for the first 5 minutes of a red carpet, have a bunch of assistants surround me, pull it out, and continue on like nothing happened.

Headline, 1942, Casablanca: Vichy Captain shocked, shocked, at all the gambling going on in local establishment.

It's described as Harry Potter plus Chronicles of Narnia, and the whole is greater than the sum of it's parts. It's by Lev Grossman, and it's getting a SyFy (shudder typing the Ys). Really great book.

Can you fuck directly off? Unless you are a gastroenterologist. Are you a gastroenterologist?


Oh fuck off. A lot of people have gluten sensitivities, and even if someone does have Celiac, it's more likely that the server is going to understand "gluten allergy." You're busy, I'm busy and it doesn't help any of us if I'm required to explain my entire medical history to you justify why I'd prefer a gluten-free

If someone started clapping when I was walking by I would be afraid they were mentally ill and/or I'd start looking around to see if I accidentally stumbled into some street art performance.

I just recently (I mean like 3 weeks ago) found out that Glenn Close (GLENN CLOSE!) is the pirate that Hook kills in that scene with Peter on the ship when he first gets to Neverland. I had NO IDEA whatsoever, and my mind was BLOWN. (Apologies for all the capital letters, it's the only way to truly explain my

I've been a fan for a while, and I haven't loved any of the last four books. To me, they all felt slow to get into, had a strong middle, then my interest peters out in the last fifty pages of non-stop action/deus ex machina. I went to a signing for Skin Game, and Butcher is charming and smart and I will read every

Yes, Abby was a show creation. The situation with Clarke is very different and much more complex in the books. Also Wells is a really important character and I was most upset with what they did with him on the show. One simple thing is that he and Clarke were in a serious relationship and in love (and sexing!) before

Yeah, after the first 2 episodes, I had to think of the show as a completely separate entity, which you'll see when you read the books. Also, because of how they've changed things on the show, they really can't use anything from Day 21. It's just too different. So I'm enjoying the show and the books but as second

I promise more dragons next month

Rule 34 my friend, Rule 34. It's like The Force. It's energy surrounds us and binds us.

i would make the most glorious mess there