
I will post this on every article about domestic violence from here until the end of time. If you are experiencing abuse, it is not your fault. If someone you care about is being abused, you cannot fix it for them, but you can be a support and decrease the isolation they are experiencing. From

Well if you glanced at the video - neither does he.

I'm here all week . . . try the veal.

So your argument is that not EVERYONE is offended so it's not offensive? It's not that hard to not offend people, just don't stick female characters in outfits and poses designed to be sexually arousing. Like — that's fucking easy. If you did that, those Spider-woman fans that you say don't mind that she looks like

Well, that supports what I said on a previous article about it. Aside from the pose being tastelessly pointless for a cover it is just one of the most abysmal examples of comic art since Liefeld.

Lululemon is acting like sticking stuff in your bra is a whole new thing. They have clearly never been to a concert with me and my friends. One friend is so busty she can get a full bottle of vodka past security.

And then there's this scene:

Well I know when I make rape and death threats, I like to identify myself. Face, name and location. Nope, wouldn't want the police to skip over me!

There are times when I really want to take a picture of myself at the park or whatever, but I can't shake the feeling of not wanting to be That Girl. Ordinarily I could give a fuck what people think when they look at me, but for whatever reason I find it mortifying to be viewed while taking a selfie. *shrug* But

Oh lawdy, lady I'm going to be the gripey one here. When did publicly shaming your child in front of the world become a thing? What sort of parent decides to "parent" by humiliating their 13'ish year old daughter and making her the laughing stock of not just her friends, but the whole internet? I would never treat my

A guy named French Montana wasn't legit?

Regardless of the merits of actual sexism vs. ironic sexism, I don't fathom the argument that Vergara's approval automatically makes it not sexist. It's as if #womenagainstfeminism wasn't an actual, scarcely month-old thing. Women are perfectly capable of upholding the status quo.

When I worked at the homeless drop in, I wanted a way for us to raise money for a pizza party. I could call up businesses and ask (and I did stuff like that frequently when I was in dire straits), but I wanted something we could all strive for - staff, clients, volunteers, etc.

I decided to collect cans left over from

yeah, but you are not (I assume) a stripper. Ed Sheeran's latest music video takes place in a strip club. So it's a little hypocritical of him to be all "I wouldn't want any daughter of mine to be a stripper like Miley" based on her music video, while totally being okay with attending a strip club, based on his

Maybe Taylor Swift will use her newly found powers of feminism to teach Sheeran what's up.

Ugh, Ed Sheeran just lost major points with me. I absolutely loathe people that use the "If I had a daughter, she wouldn't do x" argument for things they don't like. It reflects the mindset that girls are still their father's property.

"Also, WTF why is it still ruled a suicide if it physically defies the laws of the universe"

Yes, because the children attending these schools totally chose where they live and what school they go to.