
Unless he proposed to her in 55 different countries, he proposed someplace vastly more specific than "Africa." Conflating the African bush with all of the continent is deeply problematic and ahistorical. I don't care if he wants to decorate his baby's room with hippos and bushes, but I do care that when he says

I honestly agree with you. I think intersectionality of racism and sexism is a strong barrier to overcome. For example, an employer may have bias against "fatter" people but if they have stronger biases against hiring Black women it would not matter if you are thin, they would hire any non-black person over you.

I'm with you completely. More and more this is all coming across as a way for over-privileged white people to claim an axis of discrimination and solidify victim-hood.

America loves white thinness. America loves young, white thinness. America loves perfect, white, young thinness that isn't too lanky or small chested (remember Olive Oyl?)

As a black, immigrant woman who happens to be thin, I'd like to know some more about this amazing privilege I possess.


Ironically, Quinn, the only female candidate in this race, doesn't even have a women's agenda on her campaign website. None of her "issues" pages include anything related to "women". The only candidate with a full-on women's agenda on his campaign site is Bill de Blasio.…

Oh, that makes sense - I read it as a criticism of Hollaback, and was just pointing out that Hollaback isn't just white women (I guess against the idea of the two parties being "white women in solidarity with each other"). But Quinn is awful, and especially for attaching her name to something "good" like this while

I'm not racist, some of my best employees are black!

It was recommended at least 12 times, which at the timestamp of me writing this comment, is more than any of the other initial comments on this article.

Any black person who has attended a family reunion can look around the room and see how many black women were subjected to rape at the hands of white men for hundreds of years (fun fact, that shit didn't end with slavery).

I kind of thought something similar when I saw all this blow up on Twitter. The one big positive to come out of this, I think, is that it has been a chance for people like myself (white intersectionalist feminist in my specific case) to learn a lot. I've favorited and retweeted, but for me this has been a chance to

That sums it up for me.

yaaaas and thank you

That's just what I was thinking - the timing was just impeccable.

Yeah, this is definitely one of those things that proves the need for hashtags/conversations #BlackPowerisforBlackMen.

Are you seriously telling me NO ONE thought this was disrespectful/offensive until after the fact? WTF PEOPLE.

I swear, we black women are just the brunt of every joke. The bottom of the barrel. We are whores and mammy's. Fat, ugly and snappy. It's bad enough that the world seems fine in believing this but it sucks that black men jump on the bandwagon to perpetuate it. This is just sad. My ancestors lived a life that you can't