Dragon Age gets hate because it's not good and the designers are really obnoxious. hth.
Dragon Age gets hate because it's not good and the designers are really obnoxious. hth.
It's sort of like a lobotomized version of Neverwinter Nights with better feedback on stuff like AOE.
A "controllable keep" isn't exactly hot shit when it's something Ferret Baoduin has tried three times and it only worked years ago when he was at a company that made proper RPGs vOv
There is nothing more ridiculous or over the top about Benny than about Loxley in the Den, Set in Necropolis, Harkunin in Arroyo, Sulik, any of the named characters in New Reno, the Shi...
Gonna disagree, actually.
Nah. I mean, it's got a lot of the world-building from Van Buren, but it's a more serious game with a bigger emphasis on things like economics and the ideological failings of the Republic, and it very wisely nixed a lot of the really exaggerated SF (The entire main plot with Presper, for instance) in favor of…
I'm gonna agree. Returns can be sorta stylized because it went for a sort of hand-drawn-ish looking batch of tile-sets, whilst eternity has a much bigger art team and can do proper pre-rendered backgrounds and stuff.
Am I the only one who finds it serviceable at best? Mostly it's to do with the combat sprites and how they look like the art from a f2p facebook game, but the characters look really flat in an unappealing way in dialogue too. Look at the sword, shield, horns etc in the dialogue scene with the blonde guy. There's not…
Wasn't there a study a while back that demonstrated that being "spoiled" actually increased enjoyment?
Supposedly the next game's likely to be a reboot. They said in streams that this story, the story of the Boss and Gat and Pierce and all is over when the DLC wraps.
I haven't had a ton of glitches but apparently the intentional graphics glitches triggered around rift and injection activities can cause actual bugs like this D:
The "last few years" thing is definitely bullshit. Earthbound's always had a cult audience, hence the ferocity with which people jumped on the Earthbound Zero ROM.
No, I don't think so. I think there is plenty of positivity already. We live in a time where Kickstarters make specific, fan-favourite devs into stretch goals, when even someone as deliberately abrasive as Phil Fish has a significant fandom of apologists, and where many developers are comfortable enough with their…
Like in Saints Row 3, all of the characters are pretty much action figures or cartoons, and this extends to the aesthetic of the costumes and weapons vOv
Basically, here's what happened.
Well, you're basically saying it's stupid to make fun of how catastrophic the Ouya was, so I dunno if you're in a position to get all self-righteous about people having opinions?
That's because being enthusiastic about stupid things is stupid, but schadenfreude owns. Also he idea that there's inherently something better about being "positive" or "constructive" is just childish. Positivity and earnestness can be p. neat, but there's nothing inherently virtuous in them.
"Is Hyperloop destined to be the pipe dream of Elon Musk"?
Except for the most part it actually is ongoing. Chronic racism, severe trauma, etc— these things actually have trans-generational effects both in terms of emotional and economic damage.