
The more quests, not better quests thing is more a knock against Skyrim, really. FO3 was more about dungeons, which it admittedly did VERY well, but Dungeons just don't scream fallout to me.

Not really. They're all very simplistic is the problem. FedEx quests. It's got better dungeons than FONV, admittedly, but I think that's different. The strip quests in NV in particular are real standouts with multiple points of entry, objectives, resolutions, and a branching structure. The two quests set on opposite

I not only think it's okay, I think it's the strongest example of the piece when it comes to provoking the kind of visceral reaction that Trumble's going for.

I really don't. I mean don't get me wrong, I liked Fallout 3 well enough, but it didn't really scratch the Fallout itch. I don't think tha t kinda tone's really in their repertoire, and Bethesda's decision to go for a lot of quests rather than really well designed quests just isn't my thing.

Uh, but isn't that kind of non-rule following individualism a huge part of why we, as a civilization, are kinda fucked? Maybe she should just, y'know, follow the rules.

It's inevitable. Obsidian's most likely moved people off the project due to the fact that it's basically done and they have other irons in the fire, but the South Park guys create a huge bottleneck because of their creative control.

I've never understood why this is even an issue. I mean, yes, women ought to be careful when they're drinking because the world is full of incredibly shitty, predatory men who have been taught that their behavior is acceptable. But that's a practical concern, not an ethical one, and the way that even nominally

Isn't Adam a failed right-wing blogger who's still coasting on goodwill from his role in an overrated TV show?

I always thought the Mic was the creepier part, since their patent history suggests that they want to use the Mic for stuff like focusing advertisements based on keywords.

They filed a patent for technology to forward what the camera and mic pick up to advertisers. it's hardly paranoid to think they'll act on that one day.

The art style doesn't really seem big on traditional gender markers, which I think is kind of a mark in its favor.

The BBC isn't even that good anymore. They lost a lot of good journalists to AJE when they closed up shop in the developing world, and practically every story they put out reeks of trying to crawl up Cameron's bum.

The fact it's a prequel means we'll hopefully avoid the bizarre attempts to compare it to Israel, right?

See I always thought that the film was a surreal and disturbing story that played with ideas about trans-generational abuse through institutions such as patriarchy, while the book was a middling horror novel that gets undue praise for having equally middling family drama going on at the same time.

Dragon Age gets hate because it's not good and the designers are really obnoxious. hth.

It's sort of like a lobotomized version of Neverwinter Nights with better feedback on stuff like AOE.

A "controllable keep" isn't exactly hot shit when it's something Ferret Baoduin has tried three times and it only worked years ago when he was at a company that made proper RPGs vOv

There is nothing more ridiculous or over the top about Benny than about Loxley in the Den, Set in Necropolis, Harkunin in Arroyo, Sulik, any of the named characters in New Reno, the Shi...

Gonna disagree, actually.

Nah. I mean, it's got a lot of the world-building from Van Buren, but it's a more serious game with a bigger emphasis on things like economics and the ideological failings of the Republic, and it very wisely nixed a lot of the really exaggerated SF (The entire main plot with Presper, for instance) in favor of