
Also there were tons of prostitutes in the Soviet Union. The official party stance was to deny that prostitution existed in the Soviet Union because it was a perverse outgrowth of capitalism, and therefore could not exist under communism. Women who worked as prostitutes often had fake cover jobs, like the ones that

The only mistakes it "lies" about IME are fingerprints, and those have been borked since the beta. Just use the verification tool.

You can find a beta/demo on Pope's site, along with two of his other games. Papers, Please is the most ambitious, but it's pretty clearly a continuation of The Republia Times, a game set in the same universe where you play a newspaper editor who has to assemble wire stories in order to keep your family safe.

You're aware that the Pink Vice plot is actually about Human Trafficking, right? In the game, Dari Ludum brings women into Arstotzka on "Food Service" work permits, confiscates their passports and other travel documents, and forces them to work as prostitutes. One of the women slips you a note on day... I wanna say

The main reason's probably that it's a return to a style that isn't used much anymore, but rather than slavishly replicating the design mistakes of old (here's looking at you, Age of Decadence and Inquisitor) it's much more modern.

Because multiplayer is dumb.

I actually wish they'd give Final Fantasy to a western studio. They've toyed with the idea in the past, and things like the (alleged) massive overspend on Art Assets for FF13, rebranding a spinoff as a mainline title, and their unrealistically high sales targets for Square Enix Europe titles suggest that the entire

I've never really cared for gender-flipped stuff because it's a really lazy sort of gender politics. If you want to see more strong female protagonists, or to convert previously marginalized characters into protagonists, don't just make them a copy of the original hero.

But by his own admission in interviews he had to bring Renaud on after McGrath left the project because he can't actually code and just did the art.

Actually that's not true. Fish can't do the majority of the work because he can't code, script, or otherwise implement anything. Basically he just contributed the art and screamed at Renaud.

Okay, so was that panel where he insulted Japanese games in a way that was clearly intended to also insult the Japanese guy asking the question just joking around? Dude is the Donald Trump of video games. He deliberately makes statements like that in order to get attention.

Read what I wrote again. He's not an asshole because he hates PC gaming, he's an asshole because he makes really antagonistic comments on twitter or on panels, and then acts like everyone else is unfairly bagging on him. He's also a dick for not adequately supporting his game, which is, after all, a product that he's

I am happy, because Phil Fish was an asshole. It wasn't being passionate or outspoken that drove him to babble about PC being for Spreadsheets, or to withhold post-release support for Fez on Xbox because it was too expensive. It was him being an asshole that prompted that.

A lot of it is on his twitter where he behaves like a huge asshole, blames everyone else for his fuckups, and trolls his supposed fans.

No, but cultivating the kind of online persona and presence that Fish has does.

The thing is, Phil Fish is basically a huge asshole literally constantly on Twitter. Look at his tweets about PCs being for Spreadsheets or whatever. Dude totally has it coming. He's basically the Donald Trump of video games. He has shitty hair and cultivates this quasi-ironic over the top asshole persona for the sake

The thing that gets me is that of course the alternate Tali design was never going to be used. To paraphrase Patrick Weekes, who worked on the ME games, they at Bioware reckon that no game can ever actually be more than pandering power fantasies, and to suggest otherwise is pretentious.

I like how he sort of tacitly admits but doesn't outright say that moronic shippers are the reason they gave Tali a shitty, boring photoshopped photo for a face.

To be fair, there are a variety of reasons why Nintendo might not want to hook up with the indie scene in Japan. Even setting aside that many of the games are downright creepy, most Japanese devs don't really seem to believe in copyright. I can see it being a minefield.