Not A Monster

The Expendables isn't just about nostalgia. It's about an old school action packed morality play in which an insane number of people and things explode. And it's face meltingly awesome.

I have no problem with the 4 year old dressing however she wants; but I have a big problem with the tabloids depriving her of her privacy. She's not the one who went into acting.

Was that Neil Patrick Harris?

Thor has turned Asguard into an alien planet, essentially.... so I'm banking on the bad guys in Avengers being Skrulls. There's a lot of potential there.

Methos, as the oldest immortal in the series, still has a tremendous amount of unexplored back story. If there were to be a Methos comic book spinoff, what are some parts of your character's history that you thought of as part of your preparation as an actor that never made it to the show? And who can you (and we)

None of those are half as dangerous as a large group of drunken soccer fans.

The girl's the devil. You know why? Cause that would be A TWIST!

Nasty parents make nasty children.

I hope they don't make him bulk up with too much muscle. I've always preferred the lean, almost scrawny look for spiderman.

I'm on board with everything except the jacket. Does she get cold?