
This comment is everything wrong with America.

I’m sure Guy Fieri carries a “Guy Fieri Parking” placard with him wherever he goes.

I just looked at the GoFundMe and it now has $31,000. I’m gay and all for people gaying up their yards as much as they want, but it really irritates me that people will give so much money to people in these situations. How about donating that money to a charity for LGBT youth instead of to someone to make their yard

Workaholics is the impossible fuck, marry, kill. Impossible.


Rita Ora

At the end you find out that Bruce Willis is dead.

I can't tell you, because it might spoil all of That 70s Show.

I only wish that;

Violence is seldom the answer.

This is why you don’t go chasing waterfalls. Please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you’re used to.

Honestly the craziest thing I ever did was nothing.

I have a huge scary temper and about 5 years ago I caught my live-in boyfriend cheating. Like, affair cheating. And I did... nothing.

Once, an 8-top of Christians left one of those “Here’s a Tip for You!” pamphlets on my table, in lieu of a cash tip. I was sort of used to this, so I didn’t remark much, just tossed it into the bus tub with the rest of the debris, and a glower.

I’m a little late but here goes. I worked in a Gay Dennys in Arizona and soon after gay marriage became legal, I had the most adorable elderly couple of men, one white, one black. They were seated at the counter and had on these beautiful leis. I asked if I could feel the real flowers and asked what the occasion was.

When I waitressed, the Sunday after-church crowd was the worst.

I don’t want to say this but i’m going to anyway, religious people are the absolute worst people.

I really want to see her and Roger get back together.

Was the Alesana family supportive of her? Because Alcorn’s family was terrible to her, and deserved some scorn.